Algerian students boycotted classes on Monday, determined to press ahead with the biggest anti-government protests in years and denounced a offer by President Abdelaziz Bouteflika not to complete his new term if he wins the election.

The students boycotted the study at Bab al-Zu'air University in the capital, the country's largest university, and also failed to study at many of the city's universities.

Hundreds took part in small demonstrations across Algeria, continuing rallies and rallies that have been going on for nearly two weeks to protest Bouteflika's 82-year-old bid for a fifth term.

Former Algerian agriculture minister Sidi Froukhi announced his resignation from parliament and from the ruling National Liberation Front (FLN), a sign of dissatisfaction within the ruling elite.

In his statement, published on Facebook, Froukhi did not mention Bouteflika, saying only that the country "is undergoing exceptional conditions and changes."

Thousands of demonstrators took to the Algerian capital yesterday to oppose the nomination of Bouteflika (Al Jazeera)

Bouteflika defies
Bouteflika's campaign manager Abdel Ghani Zaalan announced Sunday that the president would run for April elections, defying calls for him to step down at the end of his current term. "The president pledged to organize a national conference to discuss reforms and then call for early elections in which he will not run," the statement said.

On Sunday, tens of thousands marched across Algeria in the biggest protests since the Arab Spring in 2011, demanding Bouteflika not to submit his candidacy in the April 18 election.

On the other hand, the two largest unions of workers and businessmen in Algeria are on the verge of cracks because of their positions in support of Bouteflika's candidacy for a fifth term.

The headquarters of the General Union of Algerian Workers, the largest union in the country, saw on Monday the protest of hundreds of trade unionists because of the position of the leadership of the organization supporting the candidature of the president.

The Forum of Heads of Enterprises (Algeria's largest trade union) also witnessed resignations of officials because of the positions of the organization in support of the fifth mandate.

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Lawyers protest
Lawyers for the provinces of eastern Algeria announced the boycott of judicial hearings from next Wednesday indefinitely in protest against Bouteflika's candidature.

"Due to the critical phase of Algeria and serious developments in violation of the Constitution and the laws of the Republic, the organization says no to the fifth mandate of Bouteflika," the statement said in a statement by the Algerian Lawyers' Organization for the Constantine (Eastern) region of four states: Constantine, Mila, Jigel and Skikda. "He said.

The statement called on lawyers in the four provinces to organize protest vigils before the judicial councils next Thursday, wearing professional uniforms for lawyers.

In a related context, Algerian Ambassador to France Abdelkader Mesdoua confirmed on Monday that President Bouteflika "is the one who decides, not the regime that appoints him," in an interview with the channel "CNN News" French, adding, "He probably (Bouteflika) evaluate things And therefore decided to be a candidate. "

"Of course he is physically tired, but I think this will definitely be his last fight," he said.