Hassan El Masry - Cairo

Attorney Aya Abdel Rahman did not know that a member of the security forces would be brutally assaulted on her head with his Miry (brutal) weapon, just because she asked the security forces for permission from the prosecution to search her uncle's house. He kills her life.

The incident that took place in the city of Abu Kabir in the province of Sharqia (north-east of Cairo) has provoked anger among the Egyptian lawyers, especially since the young lawyer is eight months pregnant and is not the first police assault on the lawyers.

A police officer beat Aya Abdel Rahman, a young lawyer in Sharqia, who resulted in these obvious injuries. Just because she asked the Basha officer about the prosecution's authorization, "Make sure that the law I have learned at the law school is on the ground."
Additional Note Aya Holder pic.twitter.com/B12LlCk6kB

- M.Hassan.Elkhweldy (@M_H_Elkhweldy) 29 March 2019

Great disaster
"We think violations, torture and ill-treatment will end with the regime of deposed President Hosni Mubarak and after the revolution of January 25, 2011," said Wael Sayed, a lawyer and legal expert. "When a lawyer is attacked, But we were surprised that the former regime returned with worse than the police Habib al-Adli. "

In an interview with Al Jazeera Net, Sayed explains that the lawyer requires his work to deal with the accused and the police. He is a partner in the justice system. "Unfortunately, instead of completing the lawyer's duties, he is subject to psychological abuse and ill-treatment if he is not physically assaulted by a handful of policemen People who violate the law. "

He pointed out that former Interior Minister Mohammed Ibrahim had issued a book periodically in 2015 to ensure that the crises between the Interior and the lawyers are not repeated and provides for the right of lawyers to deal safely with the police and to receive them and to ensure their right to defense. Lawyers, although less than before, which requires the application of the law firmly. "

Justified Refusal
The Egyptian Ministry of the Interior has always justified any assault on lawyers in their official publications as individual incidents that do not reflect the ministry's policy towards lawyers, stressing the punishment of any other element of the interior. Punishment abused literature ".

Speaking to Al-Jazeera Net, the letter said that the attacks, which the Interior considers as individual incidents, "reflect the arrogance of the police and the use of violence in dealing with lawyers as if they were criminals."

The letter stressed that this situation indicates the absence of legal accountability and alarming to the justice system, especially that the Egyptian Law No. 17 of 1983 and its amendments to practice the profession of law, provides for the punishment of anyone who violates or humiliates lawyers.

He pointed out that it is necessary to work on issuing a code of ethics that regulates the dealings between lawyers and internal elements so as to ensure that legal accountability mechanisms are in place to guarantee the right of a lawyer who deals continuously in the police departments and in courts and prosecutors. Such events sometimes end with false and necessary reconciliation, I consulted during the last period.

Not the first time

The case of Attorney Aya Abdel Rahman is not separated from many similar incidents, such as the killing of lawyer Ahmad El-Sayed Nematallah, who was shot by the police in Belbeis city in Sharkia province while he was with two of his clients, claiming that the clients were wanted for justice. The Ministry of the Interior, confirming that the accused did not carry any weapons, while the official page of the Ministry of Interior that what the police have done against criminals is very dangerous, she said.

There is also the murder of lawyer Karim Hamdi, one of the most famous and most horrific incidents in four years. The young lawyer was tortured to death in the city of Al-Matareya (east of Cairo) by members of the National Security for defending some political detainees. Muslim Brotherhood.

In June 2015, the Bar Association organized a large-scale strike and the courts were suspended. The vice-governor of the Faraskour Center in Damietta governorate, north of Cairo, threw shoes at the lawyer Emad Fahmy in his office. The crisis was likely to escalate without President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi's apology to the lawyers.