As on Sunday after the violent death of a 35-year-olds about 800 right-wing extremists marched through Chemnitz and chanted slogans, the police seemed overwhelmed.

The demonstrators faced only 50 officials at the beginning. The men and women in uniform were taken by surprise. Only later were further forces from Dresden and Leipzig brought to Chemnitz.


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Although it stayed quiet on Monday night, the police are preparing for new rallies. On the Internet there are various calls for demonstrations, said a spokeswoman for the Chemnitz police. Planning was currently underway on how to deal with it. It is clear: scenes like Sunday should not be repeated. (Read more about the backgrounds here.)

The Federal Government has sharply condemned "hunts" for foreigners after the incidents in Chemnitz. "We do not take such meetings, hunts on people of different appearance, of other origin, or the attempt to spread hatred on the streets," said government spokesman Steffen Seibert.

Two demonstrations - and a service

The alliance "Chemnitz Nazifrei" called for a demonstration in the Stadthallenpark at 5 pm. According to the city of Chemnitz, this protest was signed by the party Die Linke. The aim of the event is, according to the Alliance, to protest against the seizure of violent crime by right-wing groups. "We do not want to see whole cities being turned into no-go areas by the hate-bourgeois," states a statement. "We do not want to let this right-wing mob control our city."

The right-wing populist group "Pro Chemnitz" also wants to organize a demo at 6.30 pm at the Karl Marx Monument in downtown Chemnitz. According to the city of Chemnitz, a private person has registered this protest.

In addition, the churches in the city, according to the "Free Press" invited to an ecumenical prayer for peace at 15.30 clock in the St. Jacobi Church on the market.

"Strong local forces"

The Saxon police stated on request, they prepare "in full swing" for the two demonstrations. Accurate figures on the strength of action could not initially call a spokeswoman for the police Chemnitz. Saxony's Interior Minister Roland Wöller (CDU) announced in the ARD noon magazine, the police would be with "strong forces on the ground."

Support from the Federal Police is not yet known. This could be done on request of the Free State. However, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution and the Federal Criminal Police Office are already assisting in the investigation of the events and the investigation of criminals within the framework of the so-called central office function, according to the Federal Ministry of the Interior.

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Chemnitz: escalation in the city center

The State Office for the Protection of the Constitution (LfV) has, according to its own statements in Chemnitz recently repeatedly clashes between violent right-wing extremists and persons with a migration background.

"Particularly active and also involved in the current demo events is the right-wing extremist hooligan group Kaotic from the environment of the Chemnitzer FC, which also like the right-wing group NS-Boys (New Society Boys) with their activities as a center of attraction for members of neo-Nazi structures and subcultural groupings has become, "said a spokesman for the authority. It has repeatedly made aware of the danger that emanates from this group of people.

150 to 200 right-wing extremists in Chemnitz

The Saxon constitutional protection expects the right-wing extremist scene in Chemnitz about 150 to 200 people. While the NPD hardly plays a role, for example, until its ban in March 2014, the Association of National Socialists Chemnitz (NSC) emerged, among other things, during the rallies on the anniversary of the bombing of the city in the Second World War.

After the ban, the right-wing extremist scene in the city reorganized. Former members of the NSC joined the Third Way Party or subcultural groups active in, among others, the far-right music scene and the hooligans scene.