Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) had already announced after the riots in Chemnitz to want to visit the city - now is apparently a specific date for it. On 16 November Merkel will be discussing with the readers of the "Freie Presse" in the Saxon city. "We know that the need for discussion is great," said editor-in-chief Torsten Kleditzsch.

"With the event we want to make another contribution to keep in conversation even in difficult times." Readers can ask Merkel questions directly. According to the newspaper, she is expected to perform several appointments in the Saxon city. Details are still unclear. Government spokesman Steffen Seibert confirmed on Wednesday the appointment.

On August 26, a 35-year-old German was stabbed on the edge of the Chemnitz City Festival and two other men were severely injured by knife wounds. In addition to a Syrian, a 22-year-old Iraqi, who is wanted by warrant, is considered urgently suspect. The violent death had led to a series of xenophobic protests of right-wing groups.

Mayor Barbara Ludwig (SPD) had invited Merkel to a citizens' forum. She did not know the date, Ludwig said. "This is not the format of a public discussion, to which I had invited Chancellor Angela Merkel to Chemnitz at the beginning of September," said the town hall boss. She did not have a binding answer to her invitation.

Also in Dortmund it had come last Friday in a far-right demonstration riots. According to "Tagesspiegel", about 100 neo-Nazis on videos that have been classified as authentic by the police draw black-and-white flags across the city and chant: "He who loves Germany is anti-Semitic". During the meetings occasionally pyrotechnics were detonated. The responsible persons were put by the police - against them is determined now.