"It's nice, a surge of hormones. You get a monstrous pleasure from not being killed, "Pashinin said.

At the same time, answering the question what the actor feels while shooting at other people, he answered that he "wants to get into".

In addition, Pashinin noted that before his eyes an anti-tank guided missile hit the car with people.

"This is a fantastic sight, this is the best I've seen in my life," he said, noting that his "deadly twenty-year-old soldiers are being protected as the apple of their eye."

Earlier, Pashinin told me why he had joined the ranks of the "Right Sector" * and for what he was fighting in the Donbas. The artist also said that he was fighting "for the sake of buzz".

* "Right sector" - the Ukrainian association of radical nationalist organizations, recognized as extremist and banned in Russia (decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of November 17, 2014).