A former Femen activist, Eloise Button, is finally sentenced to one month's suspended sentence for sexual exhibition during an action in the church of the Madeleine in 2013 in Paris, after the rejection Wednesday of its appeal in cassation. The Court of Cassation validated the judgment of the Paris Court of Appeal, which in February 2017 had confirmed the conviction of the former activist.

"344th slut". This sentence, "it's because it was in a church!", Had estimated at the time the young woman, criticizing "a trial disguised as blasphemy" and recalling that other activists of the Femen continued after actions in other places have been relaxed. On December 20, 2013 in the morning, the young woman went, bare-chested, to the altar of the church in front of a dozen people present while a choir was rehearsing in the building. She wore on her back the inscription "Christmas is canceled" and on her stomach "344th slut", in reference to the manifesto of 343 women calling for the decriminalization of abortion in 1971.

Against the Church's positions on abortion. She had then placed pieces of veal liver that were supposed to represent the abortion of baby Jesus. This action aimed to denounce the Church's position in the debate on the right to abortion, while restrictions were being considered in Spain. In December, ex-Femen Iana Zhdanova was released from sexual exhibition by the Paris Court of Appeal, after a topless action at the Musée Grévin in 2014. The appeal court had resisted the Court of Cassation which , in January 2018, considered that this constituted a "sexual exhibition". The case will return to the Court of Cassation, the public prosecutor's office having appealed.