By RFIPalled on 17-10-2018Modified on 17-10-2018 at 01:27

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed reshuffled his government on Tuesday (October 16th). For the first time, parity is strictly respected.

The head of the Ethiopian government was re-elected last week at the head of the EPRDF coalition that has ruled the country since 1991. Abiy Ahmed thus comes out of this political sequence since Parliament unanimously approved his government on Tuesday. This one has 20 names instead of 28 previously. Ten women and ten men indeed.

Among the portfolios now held by women ministers, those of Defense and Peace. Never had a woman been in charge of armies in Ethiopia. Aisha Mohamed will be first. It will invalidate the " old saying that women can not rule, " said the Prime Minister.

HE PM Abiy Ahmed has formed a new cabinet. 20. Women make up 50% of the new cabinet. Women are assigned to ministerial portfolios including Minister of Peace, Trade and Industry, and Defense.

Ethiopian Embassy AU (@ ethembassy1) October 16, 2018

Another key appointment: the former president of the lower house of Parliament, at the head of a creation, a ministry in charge of Peace. Muferiat Kamil will have authority over the federal police and the powerful intelligence agencies. This makes some observers say that his role will have little to do with peace. Yet, Abiy Ahmed has made it a priority: " This is the main problem of our country, " he said.

Its accession to power in April did not calm inter-communal violence. There are more than two million new IDPs because of them. The new team must therefore strengthen Abiy's power around this issue. He surrounds himself with faithful while maintaining the balance of the coalition of four parties. But some voices rise to denounce the stranglehold of his on key posts.

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    Ethiopia: Abiy Ahmed prime minister, four months of upheaval


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