A 26-year-old Asian man has been acquitted of seven counts of rape of his son's son on various occasions, despite being convicted by a criminal court that sentenced him to three years in prison and deportation.

According to the Public Prosecution's investigation, the father asked his friend who worked with him on the same farm to shave his children's hair, giving the suspect a chance to go home at various times until the father noticed that his son was not behaving normally and he slept intermittently and had nightmares. Myself, who asked him to examine the child extensively.

She pointed out that the child underwent treatment for six months until doctors discovered that he had been sexually assaulted repeatedly, which called on the father to inform the police about the incident and accused his friend of raping his son, was arrested.

She explained that the defendant denied the charges against him during his trial, indicating that he was present in his country during the time that the crimes occurred, and when the father told the police.

The 15-year-old child reported that the accused had taken advantage of him during his stay in the house and assaulted him seven times, pointing out that he was unable to resist him because of his fear and because of the man's strength. The criminal court ended his conviction, .