The Dubai Public Prosecution referred an Arab unemployed woman who had dragged an Asian woman into a hotel room and sexually assaulted her.

The victim informed the prosecution that she was working for an employment company and was looking for another job to improve her income as a mother of two. On the day she went for a personal interview with a women's salon and was stopped by the defendant who was sitting in his car. He asked her about her destination and what to do. She told her that his aunt had a company looking for a secretary and asked her for her phone number to call if she was sure of it.

She did not find the manager of the salon. In the meantime, the defendant contacted her and told her that his aunt contacted him and confirmed her need for a secretary, and she could meet her immediately and was surprised to see her in the same place and offered to take her to where her aunt was.

As she sat next to her, he told her that she was sitting on the cigarette can and then stretched out his hand and felt frightened and asked him to take it down. But he increased the speed and told her that his aunt was waiting for them. Then he stopped his car in a hotel in Dubai and asked her to wait in the vehicle to find his aunt in the hotel restaurant. After a few minutes he asked her to accompany him and went up to one of the rooms, believing that she would meet his aunt, but she did not find anyone. She tried to get out but he resisted her, then paralyzed her and raped her, put 50 dirhams in her bag and left her.