Demonstrators in the province of Mahrah protested against what they called the excesses of Saudi forces at the port "Sarfeet" border with Oman.

The new protest was organized at a festival called by the dignitaries and dignitaries of the "Hof" Directorate in Muhara on Friday, and banners and banners were raised condemning the Saudi military presence and practices.

The participants expressed their solidarity with the families of the victims of the so-called tunnel incident a month ago at the hands of Saudi forces. Two people were shot dead after a sit-in against the development of Saudi military points in the tunnel area of ​​the Husayn Governorate.

Sheikh Ali Salem Al-Hurazi, a former deputy governor of Al-Mahra province, stressed that Saudi interference in the administrative and security affairs of the Directorate is unacceptable.

In statements on the sidelines of the festival, Al-Harizi and a group of skilled sons demanded that they take care of the border crossings themselves, and not rely on the presence of authority in the country because they do not exist, they said.

Al-Mahra province has been witnessing protests against the Saudi presence in several months, which include - in addition to the deployment of military forces - a plan to extend an oil pipeline from the region of Kharkhir in the Kingdom to the Arabian Sea through the territory of the skilled, according to local sources.