An Arab employee sought a woman to be released from a police patrol. The police succeeded in arresting the accused while the woman fled. The Dubai Public Prosecution decided to refer the accused to the Criminal Court and another of his nationality in absentia for assaulting policemen during the arrest. Alcoholic beverages, and a traffic accident.

According to investigations by the Public Prosecutor's Office, the accused was alone in the car and caused an accident. He then called the second perpetrator who had come to the scene and resisted the arrest, then pulled the policemen out of their military uniform and scratched them in the arm of one of them to prevent them from arresting the accused.

The first victim (a corporal in the Dubai Police) said that he was at his head when a report of a collision between two vehicles was reported in the area of ​​the international city. When two people, one Arab, caused the accident, he smelled of alcohol and another Asian. The road, due to its interruption, asked him to enter the police patrol. He felt frightened. He asked him to allow him to take his belongings from the car. Then he spoke by phone to a woman and asked her to come. Within minutes, the other defendant arrived, then left and stopped. The rear seat in the patrol car, the defendant asked the first gel Q next to her in the patrol, then went down again and dragged him from his military uniform until the first defendant does not enter into the patrol.

The witness added that he asked his colleague to catch the accused, then asked for support from the operating room, operated the patrol camera, then the woman attacked him again, and within minutes came another patrol to support, the defendant fled and was taken over her boyfriend.

Another policeman (the victim) stated that the first defendant was trying to escape from his colleague, at the instigation of the woman who came to the place, pointing out that he held the accused with the help of his colleague, and tried to enter the patrol, prevented them from doing so by clearing his hands, and then grabbed him from the neck and kick, While the second defendant pulled them from behind, to prevent them from taking control of the first accused.