“After the Israeli Prime Minister’s conversation with the Russian president, a delegation of high-ranking officers of the Israel Defense Forces ... will leave for Moscow tomorrow,” a Twitter message said.

בהמשך לשיחה וסיכום בין רה"מ ושהב"ט, בנימין נתניהו עם נשיא רוסיה, ולדימיר פוטין, תצא מחר בצהריים למוסקבה משלחת צה"ל של קצינים בכירים בראשות ראש אמ"ץ, אלוף חליוה.
במסגרת הביקור יארך כיממה, ייפגשו חברי המשלחת עם מקביליהם בצבא הרוסי

- צבא ההגנה לישראל (@idfonline) December 10, 2018

As indicated, the delegation will be headed by the head of the operational department of the Israeli General Staff, Major General Aaron Khaliwa.

The parties are expected to discuss operations on the border with Lebanon.

Earlier, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that the military delegations of the two states may meet in Moscow in the coming days.

On December 8, it became known that Netanyahu had a telephone conversation with Vladimir Putin, during which the Russian president called for improving cooperation between the countries through a military line.