The virtual world constitutes 75% of the reality that the child lives today. He pointed out that spending long hours in follow-up of the famous social networking sites results in acquiring characteristics and behaviors that lack the principle of "wrong and right", in addition to his separation from reality, And the consumption of consumer habits and culture does not fit with the customs and traditions of society, pointing to the monitoring of the effects of behavioral and psychological negative several children, resulting from the phenomenon of «electronic tradition», including growing consumer behavior, and acquisition of words containing insults and words that underestimate the colleagues, B Violence in their appearance and the way they talk to others. They said that the family plays an important role in promoting children's good awareness and education and immunizing them against the effects of being immersed in the virtual world.

Over the past several years, there have been several incidents in which children have been killed in imitation of people who appeared in videos or simulated electronic games.

A 12-year-old citizen has committed suicide in his room after he wrapped a belt in his neck and hung in the curtain of the room, killing him immediately. The family attributed the suicide of the child to his attempt to simulate the suicide scene of one of the heroes of a Turkish series, was shown on a television channel.

Parents and teachers told Emirates Al-Youm that they faced educational and behavioral problems with children because of their tradition of social networking on the ground, including the use of offensive words and words, attempts to carry out dangerous movements and actions, the work of "dumps" to ridicule others and disobedience. Parents and disrespect for older people, the use of terms of other dialects, and the influence of cultures alien to our society.

"Most children try to imitate their favorite characters on social media, but the problem is that parents do not follow the electronic content seen by their children," said teachers Nora Saad, Lara Farid, Amel Fathi and Dalia Ali. The students have a higher status than the personalities and celebrities of social networking sites, and their negative impact is reflected in the image of these characters and the imitation of their movement and the way they speak, and some of them take some of the figures that promote violence for example higher, and this shows some of the fabrication of crises with their classmates, the rapid resort to violence or Yelling, what paves to create u A hostile testicle that can not be resolved. "

"Children spend long hours on social networking sites. When they give up their devices, they continue to talk about their favorite characters, as though they were under the influence of magic, "signs that" a large proportion of children are wearing glasses, as a result of the view of sitting in front of television screens and telephones. "

He added that the celebrities of social networking raise children's passion for multiple consumer behaviors, prompting them to imitate them in everything they do, whether in the way of talking, eating or excessive movements. They also name each other. In each row are Spider Man, Connor, Amaya and Greg, Sophia, Elsa, Anna, Dora and others. Characters scattered on bags and school tools.

"Many children confuse reality and imagination, mimic the actions they observe in their daily behavior and behavior through experience and personal discovery. The child learns methods of fighting, fencing and dangerous movements, and also through Historical series, adventure films, heroic characters in electronic games, and online videos. "

Al-Alma'i pointed out that «the child falls under the influence of the sites of communication, because it spends with long hours, may exceed two thirds of the daytime. The danger is that he tends to imitate what he receives without thinking about its consequences. An example of this is the simulation we see in the way we deal with others around it. In many works of art, especially Western ones, we see misconceptions that make the child live in conflict between what he sees in reality and what he sees in it. This may result in a kind of cultural turmoil, imbalance in the criteria between right and wrong, between what should be followed and what is happening on the ground. "

He explains that "the child watches people whom he considers to be his top example, such as his favorite heroes, Facebooks, Instagram, Snape Chat, etc., watching how they cope with everyday problems, how they behave with their opponents, Memory, as the best way to deal with personal problems, and when exposed to positions of the same kind, recall his memory these scenes, and simulates the actions of his heroes imaginary, taking their method to solve the problems.

"Recently, combat films, based on the existence of superheroes, interplanetary wars and the like, have become the aspiration of global producers for their profits," he said. These films were aimed at adults in their early stages, but they are now attracting younger age groups to gather higher proportions of viewers, and we can not hide the many incidents of children who died, simulated by what they see in the movies (superheroes), which establishes the idea that the hero in A society is usually possessed of supernatural powers, through which it can only propagate good, and its inferiority becomes a weak and worthless human being, a concept which is undoubtedly a great mistake. The good that must be created by children must be achieved without any supernatural powers, Otherwise, some will feel helpless and lose their value in society. "

"Some of the famous Western series contain many inappropriate sexual scenes and are shown on the channels of reliable Arab children, reassuring parents that their children are watching a safe children's channel," he said. , Without ascertaining the content of what is presented to them, which makes the child the victim of ideas contrary to religious and cultural development ».

The continued exposure of children to scenes of violence increases the risk of aggressive behavior and growth. This may result in a kind of habituation and lack of sensitivity to others, pointing out that «this fact does not need studies, to prove the authenticity or documentation».

Al-Alma'i stressed the importance of the role of the family, media and education in educating children when viewing such programs and confronting their effects on children's behavior. However, the implementation of effective family control is feasible, and it is advised that children under 13 years of age should not have smart phones, Pediatrics.

"It may seem easy to avoid these things by controlling the privacy available within application settings, but the risk of cyberbullying remains. According to a study published by Yale University in the United States, child molesters are trying to commit suicide at a rate of 2 to 9 times more than their peers.

"The electronic world constitutes 75% of the impact of the child in the present time, in contrast to the decline of the impact of the real world and the imagination of the innate children," said the family counselor, Issa al-Maskari. "The family or school will not be able to face this problem on its own," he said. Is a national institution that aims to guide children, strengthen their national identity, and increase their awareness of the positive use of the Internet and social media.

"We need to create alternatives for the child, away from the electronic world, encourage him to live his normal life, spend his time practicing sports and hobbies, correct misconceptions and misconceptions, and gain awareness of the importance of religious values ​​and principles," Maskari said. , On which the Arab community is based. "

"The issue of children being influenced by the personalities and celebrities of social communication and their addiction to programs and electronic games, which change their perceptions and attitudes, is a natural result of parental neglect and the lack of family control over what they see. The family plays a big role in this context," said legal adviser Hassan al-Riyami. , Make us put it first, because it simply overshadowed the function of socialization ».

He added: "There is a legal responsibility to the parents of the default, in the event that the child committed a behavior contrary to the law, or expose himself to harm, affected by what he sees on social networking sites, or in the exercise of games on the Internet, or mimic movements performed by celebrities, The law stipulates that "child carers shall not be subjected to any kind of neglect, abandonment or vagueness, which may expose them to physical, psychological and moral harm, Or leave him without supervision or follow-up .

Energy and passion

Specialists alerted to the danger of the disappearance of programs and serials of children, which develop their perceptions and talents of Arab channels, and solutions series and celebrities social networking, which bear different cultures, replaced by the idea of ​​the supernatural hero, or heroine lover, and brain in the brain of children ideas, Suited to their age and the customs and traditions of our societies.

They attributed this to the absence of parental authority, the weakness of Arab electronic content directed at children, the tendency of most children's channels to dubbing, or the mere presentation of serials in their foreign language.

Dr. Ahmed Al-Almai confirmed the emergence of a new type of electronic games through social media, including direct contact with strangers from different countries of the world, with diverse cultural and social backgrounds, and unreliable, among them anonymous people without any contact with the player.

He added that these games attract many children, especially males, where the energy meets heated and curiosity and passion, to experience what is different.

Electronic Bullying

Teachers observed violent behavior by children affected by famous personalities on social networking sites. They pointed out that the children's desire to watch them became dangerous, as they resulted in acquiring behaviors such as impulse, aggression, bullying, saturation of different customs and cultures, and separation from reality.

They stressed that the children who survive these scenes, and take from their characters role models, try to imitate them, and they are characterized by aggression and isolationism according to the character that is cast, because they can not distinguish between truth and fiction.

In the kindergartens and the first grades, students in the kindergartens reported that the average time spent by children in social media ranges from four to five hours.

Experts warned of the growing phenomenon of electronic bullying in children, against the backdrop of tradition cartoon heroes and electronic games. They stressed that the repeated exposure of children to scenes of violence increases the risk of aggressive behavior, as can be seen from reports of increasing bullying.