Khalifa Medical City (SKMC) has revealed that the tobacco cessation clinic has achieved more than double the global rate of quitting smoking. It also provides an excellent tobacco cessation program for all those who wish to help. She warned that tobacco smoke contained more than 7,000 chemicals, including hundreds of toxic substances and about 70 substances that could cause cancer. She stressed that children of smokers are three times more likely than non-smokers to become smokers.

"Sheikh Khalifa Medical City (SKMC) offers support and assistance to patients who smoke cigarettes, shacks or shisha, think about quitting smoking, provide patients with a medical plan, "The program has a success rate of more than double the global rate of quitting smoking, where the global rate is 30%, while the proportion of those who visited the clinic for cessation of tobacco in the city of Sheikh Khalifa from 55 to 60 %.

"Quitting smoking contributes significantly to improving health no matter how old a person is or how long he or she smoked, it reduces the risk of many serious diseases, including heart disease, stroke, various cancers, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, "Quitting smoking is the most important step in improving public health and reducing the risk of death. The benefits of quitting include lower risk of osteoporosis, improved skin appearance, and better smelling and taste."

"The tobacco cessation program includes a number of steps, beginning with a comprehensive medical examination that includes the establishment of a detailed record of the history of smoking and the screening of tests for possible diseases related to smoking. The patient is screened for carbon monoxide and some simple respiratory tests to determine the age of the lung, Develop a plan of his own to help him quit smoking, including agreement on the date of quitting smoking, discuss possible support strategies, such as behavioral, pharmacological, psychological and alternative methodologies, and after quitting smoking, the team continues to follow his case and advises him And support to prevent any relapse, including advice on making the right lifestyle and diet change to continue quitting, as well as periodic follow-up to ensure that the patient does not return to smoking again.

For its part, the Health Department of Abu Dhabi has identified 11 tips to help quitting smoking, including setting a date for quitting smoking and stopping altogether, telling everyone about quitting smoking, getting rid of cigarettes, lighters and cigarettes, and preparing for some symptoms of quitting smoking. , Headaches, anxiety, and irritability », changing routine daily activity during the first few weeks, dealing with it every day separately, and psychologically preparing for increased appetite.

The advice included failure to despair in the event of failure, smoking a cigarette, insisting on smoking again, looking for the reasons why smoking stopped, and trying again in the event of failure where people who quit smoking altogether three to four attempts, Smoking cessation drugs, as well as smoking cessation clinics for help and support.

Benefits of Quitting Smoking

The Department of Health, Abu Dhabi, stressed that stopping smoking is not easy, noting the eight benefits of quitting smoking include reducing the risk of diseases and disability or death from cancer or heart disease, lung or peripheral vascular disease, which may lead to example Improve your level of fertility, safe pregnancy and healthy children, improve breathing and overall fitness, enjoy better food taste, improve the appearance of your skin and teeth, eliminate the smell of smelly tobacco, and reduce mucus. Fires in homes.