The Yemeni Minister of Information Muammar Al-Iryani warned of the danger of recruiting the Iranian-backed coup-backed Houthi militias for children. He said that the militias have recruited more than 50,000 children in the recent past. Child Protection.

During his meeting in Berlin with the Deputy Chairman of the German Foreign Policy Council, Volker Stanzer, Iriani called on the German government and all concerned organizations and organizations to intervene to stop these practices against children, stressing that the militias are recruiting children exploiting the economic conditions of their families and the high rates of poverty and unemployment Since its coup in 2014, which foreshadows a real future disaster.

During the meeting, he reviewed the complexities of the political solution in Yemen as a result of the refusal of the militias to carry out the implementation of the Stockholm agreements and the continuation of the implementation of the Iranian agenda in Yemen and the region. He pointed out that Iran has not provided a single shipment of aid to the Yemeni people; rather, it provided missiles, weapons and military experts to the Huthi militias for killing and destruction. Of Iran's intention to control Bab al-Mandab to be able to control the most important global shipping corridors, which passes through more than 12% ؜ of the global trade movement.

He reiterated the constitutional legitimacy of Yemen under the leadership of President Abderabu Mansour Hadi to bring peace and end the suffering of the Yemeni people produced by the coup and reached catastrophic levels worldwide. He pointed out that the constitutional legitimacy and the legal support coalition put the humanitarian side and protect civilians in the list. Priorities, and that delaying the military decision is only to take into account these aspects, the national army supported by the alliance, led by brothers in Saudi Arabia, able to resolve the battle militarily.

For his part, the German official said that everyone in his country understands that the root of the problem in Yemen dates back to the beginning of Iranian intervention in the region, and its attempts to destabilize Yemen and neighboring countries, and the threat of international shipping.

The relations between the two countries make Yemen one of the main concerns of all German organizations. At the end of the meeting, it was agreed to organize a number of future meetings to clarify the current events in Yemen to the German public opinion.

A German official: We recognize that the roots of the problem in Yemen are due to the intervention of Iran and its attempts to undermine security and threaten the international shipping traffic.