The Dubai Government's Human Resources Management Law, which will be implemented starting next January, sets five conditions for the Dubai Government's scholarship to study: the employee is a citizen of the UAE, the duration of his service in the department where he works for two years, At the latest performance evaluation, at least, and that the required academic qualification corresponds to the nature of the job or career path, and that it is appropriate for the nature of the work of the Department and that it has not previously been sent on a study mission unless the new academic qualification is higher and continuing to the previous academic qualification, Note that the Director may General The exception of the employee from the requirement regarding the length of service, and the appointment of an employee who has not completed two years in the service.

The new law distinguishes between full-time and part-time employees. The first is that the employee who studies at the Department's expense must work for a period equivalent to the duration of the study program. Otherwise, he will have to pay back the expenses and salaries incurred by the department throughout his studies. If he commits himself to work and does not complete his full commitment period, he shall have the equivalent of the expenses incurred by the Department, in addition to the salaries paid to him for the remaining period. If he is studying at the expense of another party, it is necessary to refund the equivalent of the monthly salaries paid to him only, for the period of his non-commitment to work with the Department.

If the employee is studying at the expense of the department part-time system, he must commit to work for a period equivalent to half the duration of the approved study program, otherwise he would have to reimburse the expenses incurred by the department throughout his study period without the monthly salaries paid to him, The reimbursement shall be equivalent to the expenses incurred by the Service for the remaining period to fulfill its obligation.

The new law regulates the termination of the study mission. The Director-General or his / her delegate may terminate the staff's study mission on the recommendation of the organizational unit for the follow-up of the Department's scholarships, in particular cases: the failure of the staff member to attend the study, One year without an acceptable excuse, two consecutive years of school failure, failure to pass the minimum number of credit hours in three successive semesters, or four separate semesters, and if the scientific specialization or educational institution enrolled, or the country of study approved, Approval by the Department. The mission may also be terminated in the event of a scholarship on the other hand, both inside and outside the State, without the consent of the Chamber, in the case of any act or misconduct, or any activity or conduct that would offend the reputation of the State or The exercise of any activity in violation of the laws and regulations in force in the country of study or educational institution.

In the event that the scholarship is terminated for any of the above reasons, the employee is required to refund the fees and expenses incurred by the Department during the period of study, except for the monthly gross salaries.

To view the scholarship according to the Dubai Human Resources Management Law No. 8 of 2018, please click on this link.

Modify the job mode

The Department of Human Resources Management of the Government of Dubai has confirmed that the department, which is required to change the status of a staff member, is required to change its status by placing it in a position suitable for its new academic achievement, provided that the grade and the total salary allocated to this post are not less than the total grade and salary before the scholarship.

If the employee obtains a new scientific qualification without being promoted from the Department, his / her career status may be approved by the Department. The course to which he is enrolled must be approved by the Director General in advance and financial allocations or vacancies should be available.

The new law regulates the termination of the study mission on the recommendation of the mission follow-up unit.