According to the magazine "Fruenden" German that there are some foods that help the body to sleep faster faster, namely:

The eggs
Because of its high protein content, eggs are the right foods for dinner, it contains a large amount of amino acid tryptophan, which is a substance necessary to produce hormone melatonin known as sleep hormone.

Scientists at the University of Texas have discovered that walnuts contain a large amount of melatonin, so recommend eating some walnuts before going to sleep to elevate melatonin levels in the blood and go to sleep faster.

A small amount of rice can help sleep better, because existing carbohydrates increase the concentration of tryptophan in the blood, and whole grains rice contains more vitamins and magnesium, which helps to relax the muscles and nerves.

Salmon helps sleep better because it contains omega-3 fatty acids that stimulate the body to produce melatonin.