▲ Long-range rocket 'Galaxy No. 3' launches from 'West Sea Satellite Ball President'

SEOUL, Jan. 23 (Yonhap) - North Korea's 38-member North Korean Web site appears to have begun dismantling its West Sea satellite bomb,

38 North analyzed this based on the results of reading satellite images taken on the 20th.

"North Korea has played an important role in the development of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM)," North Korea said in a report published this morning. "These satellite images show that the core facilities of the West Sea satellite launch zone have been dismantled."

Earlier, Trump told a press conference shortly after the June 12 North Korea summit that North Korea would shut down the missile engine test site soon.

The engine test center, which was mentioned by President Trump at the time, was reported to be the president of the West Sea Satellite in Donggang, North Pyongan Province.

(Photo: Yonhap News)