Presses Universitaires de Rennes publishes an exciting book that evokes 120 sites considered the most important of the last three decades.

How was this book born, which you coordinated with Charles Tanguy-Le Roux and Cyril Marcigny?

In 1982, we had founded, a few, the Western Archaeological Review. For her 30 years, one wondered what archeology, financed by public funds, could render to the public. The idea has come to make a book, more accessible, to present the most beautiful sites of the West. For each period, we selected discoveries that changed the way we see things or opened new thematic fields. Finally, we arrive at 120 records and 300 pages!

The writings are important for archaeologists.

Yes, archeology studies a matter that disappears. By dismantling a site, you destroy it! Hence the importance of publishing, so that the data remains available. If the information is not transcribed, there is nothing left once you are gone.

If the sites disappear, does archeology have a future?

Archaeological material is depleted in urban sites. For a long time, successive eras have built on each other. But today's modes of construction go deep, eradicate everything. There are many cities where it will be difficult to reconstruct history. In the countryside, however, there are still many sites to discover.

1. Vauville (Channel), excavation of a burial vault (between -1800 and -1600). 2. Villa of Mont-Saint-Jean (Sarthe). 3. Château de Guingamp. | C. Marcigny / Inrap; F. Sarreste; H. Paitier / Inrap

Archeology is best known mainly for the exhibits exhibited in museums.

The beautiful objects, it is not the daily life of the archaeologist and this is not the purpose of archeology. The goal is to be able to trace the occupation of a place. It is the study of material civilization: the landscape, the habitat, the tomb. What does material tell us about man?

What is the message of this book?

We wanted to explain the job, why before work is done archaeologists ... The presentation of these discoveries can also help to locate in time. The current culture is often short term. Most of our references are relatively recent. Yet our heritage comes from far away.

Do you have examples?

Most of our cities were already cities in Roman or Gallic times. Many roads have routes that date back to Roman times. But there are also breaks. In Gaulish times, Jublin was the capital of Mayenne, not Laval!

Of the 120 sites, are there any that particularly affect you?

The oldest, Menez Dregen, on a cliff of Finistère, is perhaps the most moving. Foci dating back to 465,000 years were found. This is the beginning of the conquest of fire. A little higher up, three other homes were discovered, dating from - 380 000 years, 85 000 years later. So, throughout this period, people have frequented this place.

In the field with archaeologists, PUR, 29 €.