Three students from the Abu Dhabi Applied Technology University have devised a system to clean the desert and protect animals using artificial intelligence. They are preparing to present their project to the Ministry of Climate Change and the Environment to contribute to the protection of wildlife in the country.

"The project consists of an automatic vehicle and a drone. The plane will conduct an aerial survey of the area to be inspected and photographed to determine the whereabouts of the waste," said Abdulaziz Al Zarouni, Faris Al Mazrouei and Omar Al Badi. The car to the place and an automatic crane in the car to collect garbage and store in the car ».

The students pointed out that «the goal of their project to maintain the cleanliness of land and the protection of wildlife», pointing out that «a lot of plastic waste ends up in the desert, affecting the environment and wildlife, environmental reports have confirmed that a large number of animals swallowing plastic waste , Which leads to the death, especially camels ».

"The aircraft is powered by solar energy and includes high-resolution cameras, a tracking device and covers a large area in a short time, making it able to accurately locate the waste." In addition to monitoring any dangerous or negative phenomena on the environment, including tree fires, And the dead animals that cause the spread of diseases, which are difficult for the cleaners to access ».