The 35-year-old mother of three children, Vera Begun, is suspected of having committed a number of grave and especially grave crimes, including murder, organization of a brothel, looting and extortion, car theft and rape. As told RT in the Investigation Department of the UK in the Omsk region, the runner is accused of 18 different criminal episodes, painted on 32 volumes of the criminal case.

“Now her case is sent to the court and tomorrow the first meeting will be held,” told RT in the press service of the department.

According to the sum of the articles, a woman faces about 20 years in prison. In 2017, she was already sentenced to three years in prison for carjacking and robbery. April 4 in Omsk will be a preliminary meeting on the remaining episodes.

Car theft

According to media reports, Vera Begun was brought up in an orphanage — in her childhood, with her two sisters, she left her mother. Later, all the girls adopted a foster family. Vera gave birth to her first child at the age of 18, the second after three years. The fathers of the first two children are unknown, the third she gave birth in marriage even after 8 years.

However, the husband in the interests of the family left for work in another region, and after a short time, the Runner brought home a repeatedly convicted man - Stanislav Berdnikov, who became her cohabitant. She lived in an emergency 12-meter apartment of an old barrack on Ushinsky Street with three children, Berdnikov, a stepbrother from a foster family and his girlfriend.

In 2015, Vera Begun attracted the attention of the local press for the first time when she was picketing the building of the city hall.

As reported edition, the woman did not suit the apartment, in which she wanted to relocate from the emergency housing administration. Allegedly, the housing provided by the authorities turned out to be “uninhabitable”. However, the court recognized the actions of the city administration as legal and the Runner’s lawsuit rejected. As a result, the family moved to a one-room apartment on Verkhnedneprovskaya Street in Omsk.

  • Vera Begun (archival photo)
  • ©

But it turned out that the Runner, according to the investigators, regularly came up with various criminal initiatives and sucked in friends, relatives and even children. Almost all of her victims and accomplices themselves were pupils of orphanages.

The first episode of the case in question dates back to July 2016 - then Vera, together with her partner, stole a Mitsubishi Galant car from a friend, Roman (the name has been changed). First, the owner of the car was allegedly beaten and dragged on the cable on the ground, and then forced to dig his own grave and choose: write a deed of gift to the runner on the car or accept death. Even after Roman agreed to the terms of the extortionists, he was held hostage for another month and a half.

The runner committed the crime in the presence of her 13-year-old son.

A year later, Vera and Stanislav hijacked another car - Infinity.


In addition to the apartment on Verkhnedneprovskaya, Begun had a house in the village of Davydovka, Omsk Region. So that for debts he was not taken away, the house was rewritten to a stepbrother. At some point it seemed to Vera that a relative could “throw” her, taking home. According to the conclusion of the psychiatric examination included in the case, the runner is in principle prone to hysterics and suspicious. Any trifle can cause her suspicions.

As a result, the attacker has developed a "plan" how to punish a brother. According to the investigation, she invited him and his girlfriend, Natalia (name changed), on a country trip. In a stolen car, where Berdnikov and her friend Ivan (the name was changed) were still traveling with her, the brother and girl were taken to a site in Davydovka. There, at the suggestion of Vera, Ivan outraged Natalia, while the whole process was filmed on camera by the son Runner.

Next, the young people were tied up and left in the house, demanding a “ransom” of three million for a pornographic video. Otherwise, the Runner threatened to distribute it on the Internet. Miraculously, her brother and girl managed to escape.

After that, the Runner chose another victim for herself - a young acquaintance Xenia (the name has been changed), also a graduate of the orphanage. As indicated in the materials of the case, the girl was sitting with a young child of friends in a country house. Begun, along with her accomplices, Stanislav and Ivan, visited her "to visit". They beat the girl, robbed the house and left, taking her with them. They left the child in the apartment alone.

They were later detained on suspicion of apartment theft by the police. Ksenia Begun was intimidated, and she did not give evidence. Leaving the police department, the runner took her with her. Together with Berdnikov, they shot for her “odnushku”, where they forced Xenia into prostitution. Runner took away all the money for herself. Only six months later, the girl managed to escape.

Some time later, Ivan repented of the crimes committed earlier and confessed to what he had done in the police. It was his testimony on the runner and her roommate who allowed the police to subsequently uncover the crimes.

When the woman learned about the betrayal, then together with Berdnikov they took the former accomplice to the forest, where they bullied him for a long time. From his injuries, Ivan died. His corpse was buried in the forest.

As a result, Vera and Stanislav were detained. But the investigators took a long time to find an evidence base. Many of the witnesses and victims were greatly intimidated and did not immediately make contact.

Most of the episodes came to light due to the first victim of the Runner - the owner of Mitsubishi Galant Roman. Only after learning that the woman and her lover are in custody, he agreed to tell the investigation about the criminal adventures of the Runner. Prior to that, he passed their "accomplice" on an episode with a residential robbery, since Roman's car appeared in the case.

The husband of Vera, having learned of her crimes, took the children to him. Now they are in a different region. According to the sisters of the woman, they did not communicate with her for a long time and, in general, the Runner was distinguished by a rather “nasty” character, often poisoning her close ones.