Alexandra Damien admitted having pretended to be a victim of the jihadist attacks of November 13, 2015. She was sentenced on Tuesday, October 16, in Paris to two years in prison, including 6 months firm, for fraud and false testimony.

Alexandra Damien, a 33-year-old Parisian, was sentenced on Tuesday in Paris to two years in prison, including six months for fraud and false testimony. She admitted having pretended to be a victim of the jihadist attacks of November 13, 2015, in Paris.

The criminal court has attached the 18 months of probation to a probation including a duty of care.

At the hearing, the young woman confessed, crying, that she was "guilty" and had "asked for forgiveness" . He is accused of having defrauded the Guarantee Fund for victims of terrorism and other criminal offenses (FGTI) up to € 20,000, but also the French Association of Victims of Terrorism (AFVT), thanks to which it had benefited a therapeutic internship in a hotel in Normandy.

She had a tattoo

Alexandra Damien had reported being hit on the elbow by a flurry of Kalashnikovs. She had tattooed the motto of Paris, "Fluctuat nec mergitur", willingly to the exercise of photo sessions with the media, as with AFP. On the evening of November 13, 2015, this regular Carillon had planned to go before changing programs. After the Carillon attack in which she had "lost knowledge" had arisen an overwhelming "guilt" , she had assured during the trial: "Could I have saved them? In his head, the "I should have been" had become "I was there" .

"Justice shows that it can be smart," responded the defender of the young woman, William Bourdon, welcoming a "balanced decision, moderate" . According to the lawyer, this judgment "takes into account the defense" of Alexandra Damien, "his brave confession and at the same time the demonstration that greed was not his red line" .

The prosecution had required 18 months firm, pointing instead to a record "marked by greed" that had revived ten times the Guarantee Fund.

The bloodiest attacks in France, which had targeted cafe terraces, the Bataclan Hall and the Stade de France, had left 130 dead.