Among the jokes circulating that the first symptoms of a heart attack is the heart attack itself! While this may sound funny at first glance, it may be frightening for anyone who is a victim of this situation or for members of his or her family.

But the good news is that this is just a joke, not a scientific fact, because our bodies actually send clear warnings of an impending heart problem. If we are alert enough, we will be able to observe these signs and go to medical care before it is too late.

Here we offer symptoms that may be non-serious, which sometimes leads us to ignore them. These symptoms may be a warning bell to warn us of a close heart attack, such as a small wrinkle in the ear or constant yawning.

Yellow tumor
Is a fatty spots that suddenly appear in the eyelids, buttocks, elbows and knees, which are often harmless. These fatty bags are a sign of high cholesterol levels, so that our blood vessels are unable to contain them, and thus get rid of them under the skin, and begin to emerge in the form of these bulges.

These health developments mean that your vessel needs immediate medical intervention because you may have atherosclerosis, which suggests heart problems, according to Mind Paddy Green.

Yawning during an intense exercise
Many people do not realize that the body has several ways to cool itself, in addition to sweating. These include yawning, which helps to supply oxygen to the body and reduces internal temperature.

If this mechanism fails to modify the internal thermal even after physical exertion and intensive exercises, it may be somewhat disturbing. If you are growing heavily during exercise, it may be an indication of heart problems.

The hateful self
Medical studies have shown a relationship between the gums and heart problems, as bacteria that cause damage at the level of the gums can move to the cardiovascular system and begin to destroy it.

Blue lips
In normal circumstances, the lips turn blue when the weather is too cold, and a quintessentially low body temperature. But this is a temporary situation, and soon our lips return to normal when we get some warmth.

If one's lips turn blue even in normal weather, there are problems with blood circulation in the body. As a result, the person should speed up consultation with a cardiologist and obtain a thorough examination of the heart and blood vessels.

Chemical changes in the nails
Changes in the color and shape of nails, or increased thickness, may be caused by problems in the blood vessels.

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Wrinkle in the earlobe
In the medical world, this phenomenon is called the Frank mark, which is a diagonal wrinkle in the earlobe and indicates the possibility of atherosclerosis. More than forty medical studies have shown that this problem is related to atherosclerosis, a disease that increases the thickness of artery walls, Blood flow.

A new study revealed a link between these wrinkles and cerebral vascular problems. Therefore, anyone suffering from these symptoms should immediately approach the doctor.

Hair loss
Rapid or early hair loss, especially in men, is worrisome and can be caused by a disease in the blood vessels.

The appearance of gray hair early
Hair is also a way of recognizing heart problems, especially when the gray transition begins prematurely. The European Society of Cardiology has shown that gray hair can be associated with coronary artery syndrome, arteriosclerosis and arteriosclerosis.

Halo around the iris
There are fatty deposits around the eyes, such as a gray ring around the iris. This medical condition is called the sheikal arch, and can be seen above and below the iris, then take the shape of a complete ring.

This does not affect vision, and often occurs in people over the age of 60. Doctors have linked this indicator to an increased risk of heart disease.

Feeling dizzy when waking up
This problem is known in the field of medicine to decrease the pressure of the compulsion, which is a sudden drop in blood pressure when the human suddenly stands. This situation usually lasts only two minutes. But if it lasts longer, especially for those over 55, it may be a sign of a serious problem.