The Director General of the Sharjah Social Security Fund, Mohammed Obeid Rashed Al Shamsi, said that the Social Security Fund in Sharjah is currently working on the digital transformation project, which is due to be completed and activated during the current year, indicating that there are 10 thousand and 980 employees covered by the social security umbrella in Sharjah.

On the sidelines of the organization, the Fund organized the first workshop for human resources departments in the government departments of the Government of Sharjah to introduce the Fund's policy and its importance to employees of citizens and citizens in ensuring their decent living.

The workshop highlighted the importance of the fund, which is considered the best among the GCC countries in terms of interdependence and inclusiveness. The umbrella of insurance protection extended to all citizens of the Emirate of Sharjah employees, as well as nationals of the emirate.

She stressed that the social security umbrella in Sharjah works to provide citizens with continuous monthly income, in cases of loss of earning capacity and production, for those entitled to loss of the breadwinner, and for providing the physical and moral stability of the insured. This contributes to increasing production, Work and occupational diseases, develop the spirit of citizenship among the members of society, and contribute to the projects of investment development plans, economic and profitable return in various sectors of production and services, and also participate in the creation of new jobs in different regions of the Emirate and deepen the values ​​and concepts of Takaful and Social underwriter among the members of the society.

The Social Security Fund Manager, Mohammed Al Shamsi, said that the social security benefits the participants in several benefits. He pointed out that the guarantee in the Government of Sharjah is to participate in the elements of the salary of the account, without a maximum, and equality between all sectors covered by the law in calculating the salary of the pension account, It is one of the main factors determining the payment of insurance benefits to the insured, whether pension or bonus, calculated on the basis of the average of the last three years of the period of participation. There is no distinction in the pension account between the sectors operating in the government covered by the Social Security Law Ir, bodies, government institutions, semi-governmental and private.

The Fund was characterized by its coverage of most of the ILO's specific occupational and social risks: aging, disability, death, illness, work injury and unemployment.