
The so-called yellow vest demonstration has been shaking throughout France for a month, and President Marc Long will announce his message to the people. In fact, it seems that what is included in the evaluation that he listened to white flag will go to the government.

Paris correspondent.


The yellow vest protest, which was triggered by oil price hikes on March 17, lasted for a month.

Last Saturday there were about 136,000 people from all over France and about 1,200 people were arrested for violent demonstrations.

Tear gas and water cannons, as well as armored cars, appeared, and some protesters burned the car and looted the shop.

Last week, the government issued a policy of public opinion, such as abolishing the oil tax increase policy, but the protests are spreading rather.

Protesters are demanding the resignation of President Mark Long.

[Yellow vest protesters: First, we have to vote on the resignation of President Mark Long and unlock everything.]

When public opinion worsened, the government announced that President Mark Long was to announce his message to the people on the evening of local time.

[Edouard Philippe / French Prime Minister: President Mark Long will present measures to tackle the conversation with the yellow vest.]

In fact, President Lee, who has sparked the crisis, will be an important watershed for the future of politics.