Julian Sanji, the founder of WikiLeaks, has been arrested for seven years at the Ecuadorean embassy in London after a seven-year escape from the embassy in London.

British police have revealed that he has arrested a mountain of escaping life after he reveals a lot of confidential documents of the United States in response to a request for extradition by the United States, and it is noticed whether he will actually be investigated in the United States.

According to British media, including the BBC, London police arrested Julian Mountain in the embassy of Ecuador on Sunday.

The Ecuadorian Embassy in London, which has been providing shelter for seven years, ended the long escape life in the mountains, allowing British police officers to enter the embassy after a big and small conflict with the mountains.

The Sanjay was exposed by the US Army's Bradley Manning in Iraq as an information analyst in 2010 and handed over 700,000 Iraqi and Afghan war reports, State Department diplomatic confidential documents, and revealed them through his Wikileaks site.

This revelation has caused a worldwide ripple, and the mountain has become the first-choice destination in the United States.

After that he was arrested in England in 2011, when he was arrested on charges of committing two sex crimes in Sweden.

After being investigated in the state of non-detention, he claimed to be a conspiracy to repatriate himself to the United States after the decision to repatriate the Swede in the British Supreme Court. In June 2012, he entered the Embassy of Ecuador in London and applied for asylum.

Sweden suspended the investigation of sexual crimes in the mountains in May 2017 and withdrew the arrest warrants, but Arjan has been warranted because of the refusal of the British court in 2012 to attend.

It is crucial that the Ecuadorian government 's patience with the mountains has reached its limit when Britain secured the recruitment of the mountains in seven years.

Ecuador said in March last year that the mountain region had been disputing the SNS in an attempt to assassinate Russia's dual espionage and independence from Catalonia. I've added it.

Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno said in a video message, "We have withdrawn diplomatic protection from it as it repeatedly violated the international rules governing asylum."

WikiLeaks accused Ecuador of illegally ending political asylum in the region by violating international law.

(Photo = Getty Images Korea)