On Monday, February 11, a pupil of the 10th “B” class of the school №2 of the city of Stolbtsy, Vadim M., brought a knife to the school. According to preliminary data, a few minutes before the start of the first lesson, a 15-year-old teenager left the history room, and, waiting for teacher Marina Parhimovich to enter the classroom, attacked her from behind.

A teenager tried to prevent classmates, but he was able to fight back and hit a 53-year-old woman with a knife in the neck. Then the tenth-grader struck the teacher one more blow.

“It all started 5 minutes before the lesson. The teacher came, and he attacked her from behind and with a knife fell into the artery. Then he hit her in the stomach. Classmates wanted to stand up for the teacher, he cut them with a knife. But everyone says that initially he wanted to attack her, ”one of the pupils of School No. 2 told RT.

The interlocutor RT claims that, having finished with the teacher, the attacker ran out into the school corridor, where he began indiscriminately to rush at everyone who came across the path. The eleventh grader became the victim of the school student. From his injuries he died.

“The deceased was not the specific target of the attacker - the guy just rushed at those he saw. He was just unlucky that at that moment he was walking along the corridor, ”notes a pupil of school No. 2.

The teenager managed to escape from the crime scene; a special plan “Siren” was introduced for his capture in six districts of Minsk region. In social networks began to distribute the identikit of the suspect. Soon the student was detained by criminal investigation officers with the support of riot police. According to local media, Vadim was caught when he was heading towards the highway.

Two dead, two wounded

The official statement of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus states that the call with the message about the massacre at school No. 2 entered the operational-duty service of the Stolbtsy police department at 8:05 in the morning. Now, an investigative team is working at the scene of the incident, the leadership of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee arrived at the school. According to one of the students, after the attacks to the school, “a lot of militia arrived from Minsk,” all the schoolchildren were sent home.

  • The work of the investigator at the scene
  • © Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus

A criminal case was opened into the murder of two people. Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Belarus Ivan Noskevich took the investigation under personal control.

The wounded pupils were hospitalized and operated; they are located in the Stolbtsov Central District Hospital. One of them is wounded in the neck and lung.

As the representative of the Ministry of Health of the Republic Yulia Borodun stressed, the doctors did everything possible to stabilize the condition of the victims. Specialists from the region were sent to Stoltsy for consultations.

Quiet boy and exemplary teacher

Pupils and staff of School No. 2 claim that a tenth grader who attacked people with a knife never had problems with behavior, he was not noticed in conflicts with other students and teachers.

“I don’t know about any conflict. Not that he was an excellent student, but a normal, good boy, ”the secretary of school No. 2 told RT.

“The attacker has always been a quiet, calm guy. He was fond of football, played for the school at the district championship. No one knew that he could do this, ”says one of the students.

Although the tenth-grade student’s motives are still unknown, it is possible that he could have planned the attack in advance. Only a day before the massacre at school, Vadim deleted his accounts in all social networks.

Marina Mikhaylovna Parkhimovich, who was killed at the hands of a schoolboy, worked in secondary school No. 2 as a history and social studies teacher for more than 25 years.

Just last week, she took part in an evening reunion meeting. As one of the former students of Parkhimovich told RT, she did not mention any conflicts with students during the holiday.

“She did not show any anxiety, there was nothing special. She only told that the school had forbidden to get mobile phones in the lessons and to use tablets. She did not mention any Vadim in the conversation, ”recalls the graduate of the school number 2, Nikolai Kh.

Former pupils speak very warmly about Marina Mikhailovna - according to her former student Nikolai, Parkhimovich was an exemplary, albeit demanding teacher.

“She is super, not that strict, but it makes it clear how to learn and behave. I have never said a bad word about her, she is a very good, exemplary teacher, ”the man stressed.