On Thursday, November 1, negotiations were held between the Russian leader Vladimir Putin and representatives of Germany’s largest companies, an asset of the Eastern Committee of the German economy.

According to the president, Moscow and Berlin have been effectively cooperating in the field of energy for decades. So, Russian supplies to Germany cover about a third of the needs of the German economy for natural gas and oil.

“Many landmark projects have been implemented that have made a significant contribution to ensuring energy security not only in Germany, but also in the whole of Europe. Among them is the legendary "Gas in exchange for pipes", "Nord Stream", and now the construction of the Nord Stream - 2 pipeline system is in full swing, - Putin said.

The head of state added that the Russian side highly appreciates the readiness of German business to work together, its pragmatism and constructive attitude. The President also expressed the hope that bilateral business ties will continue to develop progressively, even in the current difficult situation in world politics and the economy.

In turn, the Chairman of the Eastern Committee of the German Economy, Wolfgang Büchele, expressed the hope that the project of the main gas pipeline from Russia to Germany through the Baltic Sea will be fully implemented, since the Nord Stream 2 is important not only for Germany, but for the whole Of Europe.

“We hope that, despite all the problems, the Nord Stream 2 project, which is currently under construction, will be implemented in full and in accordance with the specified deadlines,” said Büchele.

Nord Stream 2 is important because Germany is about to abandon the use of atomic energy and the use of electricity from brown coal, and we need additional natural gas, which is supplied not only through the Nord Stream, but also through Ukraine in order to realize our climate goals and provide Europe with competitive and clean fuel, ”the head of the Eastern Committee noted.

  • President Vladimir Putin at a meeting with representatives of the largest German enterprises
  • RIA News
  • © Mikhail Klimentyev

"Uncritical" Merkel

Also on Thursday, November 1, German Chancellor Angela Merkel arrived in Kiev on a one-day visit. Immediately after arrival, she went to a meeting with the Ukrainian president, Petro Poroshenko.

The two leaders discussed anti-Russian sanctions, the implementation of the Minsk agreements, the situation in the Donbas and the Sea of ​​Azov, as well as a number of other topics. Then the German Chancellor met with the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada, Andrei Parubiy, and the leaders of parliamentary factions. During this conversation, issues related to the energy sector, in particular, the implementation of the Nord Stream 2 project, were touched upon.

“We know that Ukraine rejects this project. I consider it less critical and advocate the provision of guarantees to Ukraine to preserve its transit role, ”Merkel emphasized.

She noted that gas arteries from Russia to the EU are expanding, but this should not lead to the loss of transit status by Ukraine. “We want to see Ukraine as a partner in transit issues,” explained the German Chancellor.

In turn, the Speaker of the Rada, Andrei Parubiy, called on the German Chancellor to study in more detail the arguments of Kiev against the construction of the Nord Stream - 2. In his opinion, the implementation of the gas pipeline project will allegedly lead to an “imbalance” and will create risks for the security of not only Ukraine, but also “the whole European space”.

"Kiev does not have enough influence to put pressure on Berlin"

The words of Büchele are a very positive signal, because the United States and some EU countries are constantly talking about the need to stop the implementation of the Nord Stream 2, because it allegedly threatens the energy independence of the continent. So says deputy director of the Institute for Strategic Studies and Forecasts of RUDN Nikita Daniuk

“At the moment, this country is indeed one of the main importers of Russian gas. The implementation of the Nord Stream - 2, with the complete filling of the two branches, will make Germany the most important and important our energy partner in Europe. At the same time, they become not only consumers. Thanks to Germany in the future it will be possible to direct gas flows throughout Europe. This increases the role of the country as an economic power, ”the expert explained.

At the same time, according to him, it is thanks to the construction of a gas pipeline in Europe that anti-Russian sentiments subside.

“Many European countries, despite the fact that they are forced to strictly adhere to the anti-Russian Euro-Atlantic position, still think about their economy and national interests and are ready to act not on orders, but on the contrary, in defiance of the United States,” concluded Danyuk.

In turn, the general director of the Center for Political Information, Aleksey Mukhin, noted that Berlin justified its position in the energy sector solely with economic and commercial expediency. He recalled that, in addition to the Nord Stream - 2 project, the construction of Europe’s largest liquefied natural gas storage (LNG) was also approved, which, apparently, will be designed for supplies from the United States.

At the same time, according to him, the German Chancellor is also compelled to state the importance of Ukraine as a transit country in order to reassure the country's leadership.

“Kiev, on the other hand, does not have enough influence to put pressure on the German side in this situation. Angela Merkel is obviously influenced by the Washington establishment, which considers it his duty to reassure his Ukrainian wards so that they are not very worried, ”Mukhin said.