"You see, what is the paradox of this story: when the question of a journalist is made as my answer ... When I was asked:" Laima, if you are invited, will you go to the Crimea? "- I said:" We are prohibited ", the singer of RIA Novosti quotes.

She also added that she was ready to speak in the Crimea, but only when the authorities of Latvia lifted the ban.

The singer noted that she was indignant at the fact that people reacted sharply to information about her refusal to speak in the Crimea, without checking whether the law really forbids her from holding concerts on the territory of the Russian peninsula.

"I love my audience. Is it possible to be against someone? I'm always for, and do not involve me in politics, "she concluded.

In August, during a trip to Odessa, Vaikule told reporters that she would not go to Crimea for any fee. She explained this position by saying that it is "forbidden to Europeans".

Journalist and TV presenter Vladimir Solovyov in an interview with the FAN commented on the statement Vaikule about the Crimea.

The Crimea became the Russian region following a referendum held there in March 2014, at which the majority of the inhabitants of the peninsula voted to reunite with Russia.