UAE Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum inaugurated yesterday the fourth regular session of the 16th National Congress of the Federal National Council.

- The newly established committee is concerned with the study and presentation of opinion and the preparation of reports regarding the future prospects of general subjects, legislation, treaties and international agreements.

- The first sessions «National» witnessed the election of observers and the restructuring of parliamentary committees.


Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation, concluded by «National» during the past three years.

The President of the Board, Dr. Amal Abdullah Al Qubaisi, delivered a speech in which she said: "The Council is following, with all due respect, pride and pride, your blessed efforts at the level of development and construction. The founding dream of Zayed is achieved in the era of empowerment. In the focus of attention and priority of priorities, and where the UAE aspires to space, dreams are no longer a ceiling and no limits but to see the vision and imagination of our people, which is inspired by your vision, Your Highness excellence ».

During the last three sessions, the Council has achieved significant legislative and supervisory achievements, as well as in the field of parliamentary diplomacy. It has taken a major step in reflecting the vision of His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the State, Support, guide, supportive of our government, more participatory, and greater contribution. The Council has had an influential role at the parliamentary, regional and international levels. The efforts of the last three years have resulted in active movements in parliamentary forums, mutual visits to parliaments of the world and more than 24 memorandums of understanding and cooperation in full coordination and cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. A strong link between the UAE and the world in the parliamentary field, at a time when States need to remain in a state of continuous interaction with the world, in defense of their positions and policies and the interests of their people, vowing that the Council, the Council of the Emirates of the future, a good good for the leadership and the government in their hard work and Permanent Arhama for the happiness of the people.

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum left the council hall after the opening ceremony of the new session to start the first procedural sessions during which the Council's observers were elected and the parliamentary committees were reconstituted: constitutional, legislative, appeals, defense, interior and foreign affairs, financial, economic and industrial affairs. , Energy and Mineral Resources, Health and Environmental Affairs, Social Affairs, Labor, Population and Human Resources, Islamic Affairs, Endowments and Public Utilities, and finally the Complaints Committee.

The Council approved the draft of a new standing committee called the Future Committee, which aims at exploring the future of the policies, strategies and plans of the state in accordance with the constitutional council's functions. It also strengthens the role of the legislative and supervisory council in achieving the vision of the UAE, The Council.

In accordance with the revised draft law, the committee is responsible for studying, expressing opinions and preparing reports regarding future perspectives on general topics, related legislation, international treaties and agreements, etc., and supporting the relevant committees on future issues to achieve the vision of UAE 2071 and proposing ways of cooperating with competent authorities and national organizations Regional and global perspectives on the future, to consider the long-term impact of major trends in national policies and legislation.

The committee is responsible for following up on the plans and initiatives of the executive authority related to major directions for the future locally, regionally and globally, studying the international reports on the future and its sciences, preparing an annual report on the major global trends, looking ahead and its implications for national policies and legislation. At the end of each role, in the light of the legislative and supervisory work of the Legislative Council, study the future legislative impact of draft laws, study future solutions and alternatives in the recommendations of general subjects, and their impact on sustainable development plans .

The Council may refer the draft laws, general subjects, recommendations and international treaties and agreements to the Committee for the purpose of identifying the results and their future effects, with the study of the competent committee. The report of the Committee shall be attached to the report of the competent committee.

The Commission shall also be entitled to exercise its own competence, without the need for referral by the Council or the President, other than draft laws, general subjects, treaties and international agreements before the competent committees.

5 letters to the Government

The Council sent five official letters to the Council of Ministers, including a letter on the recommendations of the Council on the subject of "the policy of the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization", the question of "reducing financial allocations for students who are studying abroad" and " Federal Law on the Real Estate Property of the Federal Government.

The letters sent to the government included a message on the follow-up to the general topics of the current legislative term, and another on the request to correct a material error in a bill on the diplomatic system.

11 messages for «National»

The Council received 11 letters from the Council of Ministers, including a letter on the subject of determining the authority to discuss the issue of supporting youth affairs in the State, and another on the decision of the Council of Ministers on the request of the National Council to agree on the subject of services provided by telecommunications companies; To regulate the telecommunications sector.

The Cabinet's letters also included the cabinet's approval to discuss the policy of the Ministry of Climate Change and the Environment on the sustainable development of fish and animal resources, the policy of the Ministry of Community Development regarding the services provided and finally the discussion of the policy of the General Authority for Pensions and Social Insurance.

3 draft laws

The Council received three drafts of federal laws from the Government. The first was a bill on medical assistance for reproduction (submitted to the Committee on Social Affairs, Labor, Population and Human Resources) and a draft federal law on the adoption of the final consolidated accounts of the Federation and the final accounts of independent entities for the year ended 31 December 2017 (referred to the Committee on Financial, Economic and Industrial Affairs) and a draft federal law relating to the linkage of the general budget of the Union and the budgets of the independent federal agencies attached to the financial year 2019 (referred to the Committee on Financial, Economic and Industrial Affairs).

Integration of roles between the «National» and the government

Minister of Health and Community Protection Minister of State for Federal National Council Affairs Abdulrahman Al Owais affirmed that the cooperation and integration of roles between the Federal National Council and the government reflect the directives of the leadership in unifying efforts to promote society and achieve the aspirations of the people of the UAE.

He explained in a press statement on the occasion of the opening of the new session of the Council that the holding of this role comes in conjunction with the UAE celebrations of the year Zayed. It is also an opportunity to stop at the immortal achievements of the founding father, the late Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan, who wished to activate the role of the Council, which came from his belief in the important role played by him and the ability of his members to contribute positively to the service of their country and their people, By looking at the needs of citizens and finding appropriate solutions to the issues facing them.

He pointed out that parliamentary life has witnessed a process of development and success, with which the values ​​of political participation have been strengthened, and stations that have contributed to enhancing the participation of citizens through the political empowerment program announced by His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the UAE, The 34th National Day of the Union State.