The Housing, Building Materials, Decoration and Engineering Consulting (DECOPEAD 2018), which will kick off next Wednesday, will see presentations by engineering consulting companies including various discounts and building designs within the amount of the grant or, according to the Executive Director of the Mohammed bin Rashid Housing Establishment, Sami Abdullah Gargash. The loan received by the beneficiary from the housing authorities in the country.

Gargash told Emirates Al Youm that the second edition of the exhibition, which will take place from November 7 to 10 in Dubai, will be an opportunity for citizens seeking to build their own residential projects to meet directly with contractors and consultants to find out what suits them. Of designs to build their homes ».

Gargash pointed out that «the second session of the exhibition starts in the light of the success of the institution in achieving the objectives of the first session of this event, which is part of the initiatives of the institution, aimed at achieving its mission of delighting citizens and improving the quality of their lives by implementing innovative housing solutions and a variety and facilitation, The balance between high quality and sustainability led by distinguished and innovative human talents and intelligent systems, to translate the vision of the institution and its ambition to provide housing for every citizen ».

He explained that the organization of "Decopold 2018" for the second year in a row, is a continuation of the successful experience witnessed by the exhibition in its first session, which received the approval and satisfaction of a large segment of visitors and exhibitors alike, as a platform gathered under one roof bodies and institutions of the housing sector in the State, Construction and decoration companies and engineering consultants, which have provided the latest systems, products and solutions, which contribute to reducing the costs of construction on a large segment of citizens seeking to build private housing, in addition to providing most of the needs of their projects under one umbrella, adding that «occupancy rate reached To 100% The exhibition is scheduled to open next Wednesday on an area of ​​4000 square meters, including 52 platforms, up 25% from last year, which was 38 companies and institutions ».


Square area «Decopold 2018», featuring 52 platforms, up 25% from last year.