The Joint Forces Command of the Arab Coalition for the Support of Legitimacy in Yemen announced that the Saudi Royal Air Defense Forces intercepted and destroyed two Huthite "unmanned" drone aircraft heading towards Khamis Mushait city.

The spokesman of the coalition forces, Colonel Turki al-Maliki, said in a statement that the Saudi Royal Air Defense System spotted two unidentified bodies in the direction of civilian objects in the city of Khamis Mushayt yesterday night, and the two objectives were dealt with according to rules of engagement and destruction.

Colonel al-Maliki said that as a result of the intercepting of the two Houthi aircraft, the shrapnel was scattered over two residential areas. Five civilians, including a woman and a child, were injured and a number of houses were damaged.

Al-Maliki pointed out that the continued attempts by the Houthi-backed terrorist organizations, backed by Iran, to target civilian objects and civilians through drone attacks, as well as booby-trapped booby-trapped boats and the distance, and to take the province of Hodeidah precisely as a starting point for these terrorist and hostile operations, The Coalition Forces lead a cease-fire in Hodeidah, in line with the provisions of the Stockholm Agreement.

He added that the militias are seeking to provoke coalition forces to carry out military action in the province of Hodeidah, stressing the commitment of the coalition to support the political efforts of the UN envoy to Yemen, Martin Griffith, as well as the Chairman of the redeployment, Michael Lawlessard, to make the implementation of the Stockholm agreement successful, The command of the coalition's joint forces warns in the strongest terms of the Iranian-backed terrorist Houthi militias that they are targeting civilian objects and civilians, and that their use of terrorist tactics will have strong deterrents.