The Department of Health in Abu Dhabi has identified five ways to reduce the risk of lung cancer, including quitting smoking, reducing exposure to workplace-related risk factors, low exposure to radon, diet and physical activity. The department cited nine misconceptions about "lung cancer" spreading widely among members of the community. Ten causes of cancer, notably smoking and passive smoking, as well as air pollution and low immunity, were cited.

In addition, the department confirmed that about 90% of lung cancers are caused by tobacco smoking. "9 out of every 10 cases." Tobacco smoke contains more than 4000 chemical compounds, most of which are carcinogenic, with 3% of lung cancer cases Due to passive or indirect exposure to smoke, in non-smokers (passive smoking).

Non-smoking is the best way to prevent lung cancer. Quitting smoking also reduces the risk of lung cancer. The risk of lung cancer is reduced by 10 to 10 years. Reducing exposure to substances such as asbestos, arsenic, nickel and chromium, lowering radon levels, reduces the risk of infection, and laws that prohibit smoking in the workplace help reduce the risk of lung cancer caused by secondhand smoke.

She noted that some studies show that people who eat high amounts of fruits or vegetables have a lower risk of lung cancer than those who eat low amounts, and studies show that people who exercise physically lower the risk of lung cancer than people who are not.

The department refuted nine misconceptions about lung cancer, including that smoking for years has caused damage, low-tar cigarettes or "light" safer than normal, and antioxidant supplements protect against cancer, pipe and cigars do not cause lung cancer, smoking Is the only risk behind lung cancer, and talcum powder cause lung cancer, if diagnosed with lung cancer, it is absurd to quit smoking, regular physical exercise does not reduce the risk of lung cancer, in addition to air pollution is the leading cause of lung cancer.

She noted that quitting smoking has almost immediate benefits, including improved blood circulation and lung function, and the risk of lung cancer begins to decline over time. Light, light, and low-tar cigarettes are no less dangerous than regular cigarettes, Some research suggests that menthol cigarettes may be more dangerous, as the cooling sensation drives smokers to breathe more deeply.

The smoking of a pipe or cigar not only increases the risk of lung cancer, but also increases the risk of oral, throat and esophageal cancer. In addition, the continued smoking reduces the effectiveness of cancer treatment and may make the side effects worse. The second lung cancer, after tobacco smoke, is an odorless gas called radon, emitted from rocks and soils, and can leak into homes and other buildings.

The study found that regular physical exercise can reduce the risk of lung cancer by as much as 20 percent, while open air pollution accounts for 5 percent of lung cancer cases.

The department identified the main causes of lung cancer in smoking, passive smoking, exposure to radon, air pollution, previous lung disease, low immunity, mesothelioma, personal history with lung cancer, exposure to asbestos, arsenic, chromium, nickel, radon and tar. And soot, in addition to eating heavy smokers beta-carotene supplements.

1.1 million cases among men

According to the Department of Health in Abu Dhabi, lung cancer is one of the most common cancers in the world. By 2008, there were an estimated 1 million and 610,000 new cases, accounting for 12.7% of all new cancers and one of the most common causes (18.2% of all cases), noting that 55% of cases occur in developing countries. In addition, it is the most common cancer among men worldwide (1.1 million cases) , 16.5% of the total).

The Department emphasized that cancers of major public health importance, such as breast, cervical and colorectal cancer, can be cured if detected early and treated properly. Regular screening tests provided by health care providers can lead to detection and removal of tissues (Cancer precursors), as well as the diagnosis of cancer at an early stage so that the treatment is more effective.


Of cases of infection

Lung cancers are caused

About smoking, and 5% because of

Polluted air, and 3%

Due to passive smoking.

- Quit Smoking

Contribute to the reduction of

Risk of cancer

Lung by 50%.