Abu Dhabi Court of Appeal confirmed yesterday the verdict of the first instance court against one of the most famous social media personalities convicted of slandering one of the famous " .

The Court upheld the convictions of the first instance court, which ruled on September 17 that the defendant was fined 300 thousand dirhams for insulting the use of information technology. The court ordered the deletion of the videotape and the closure of the account used for two months, .

The court also accepted the civil suit filed by the lawyer, Abeer Dahmani, for her client, "Kashwa". The court charged the defendant with a temporary compensation of AED 21,000, pending dismissal of the compensation claim.

The case is based on a complaint by the complainant accusing one of the social media communicators of publishing a clip through his personal account on the site of the "Instagram", showing him insulting and hurling a celebrity at a social networking site after appearing in one of the most popular segments Between users.

The complainant considered that what the accused uttered underestimates her reputation and her ability, and shames her honor and shame, and displays her reputation, because of the words and descriptions, which led to the injury of great moral damage, where a large number of followers on social networking sites send this section to the victim, It has been widely circulated.

In the defense of the case, the defendant's lawyer relied in his defense on the appeal case that his client did not impugn the complainant or was exposed to the means of social communication and that he commented on an incident without mentioning the complainant's name or presenting her photograph. His interviewers have nothing to do with them.

Combating IT crimes

Article 20 of Decree Law No. (5) of 2012 on Combating Information Technology Crimes stipulates that a penalty of imprisonment and a fine of not less than 250,000 dirhams, not exceeding 500,000 dirhams, or either of these penalties shall be imposed on anyone who insults or confers on others. An act that would make it punishable or disdainful by others, using an information network or an IT tool.

• Ruling on the first degree of "fine", deleting the video clip, closing the account used for two months, and confiscating the seized phone.