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Opposition leader Juan Guaido, recognized as interim president by some 40 countries, addressed students in Caracas on Monday, February 11, 2019. REUTERS / Carlos Garcia Rawlins

New day of mobilization in Venezuela, this Tuesday. Juan Guaido, recognized interim president by a large part of the international community, calls for protests across the country against Nicolas Maduro. The goal: to demand the entry of humanitarian aid blocked since Thursday at the Colombian border. The date of February 12 was not chosen by chance. This is the day of youth in Venezuela, because the opponent relies on it to rebuild the country. Reportage.

With our correspondent in Caracas, Benjamin Delille

On the campus of the Central University of Venezuela, in the heart of the capital, several young people hang a large sign on a building. " Law School with the National Assembly " can we read.

Mariana, 18, joins a few dozen pieces of paper. " These are the names of the young people killed since 2017, all those who died, " she explains.

Behind her, her teacher Alejandro Rodriguez observes the scene with kindness. " They are adults, it is up to them to assume their opinions, " he says. It does not seem right to interfere in their opinions, I do not hold the truth. "

On the other hand, the professor assures that there are not many Chavistes in the university, let alone supports Nicolas Maduro. According to Maria, 22, it's because the university, like the country, has emptied of its youth.

" Almost all my friends left because of insecurity, violence, all that, " she says. We are deprived of a future here, it is difficult. That's why we young people must fight for our future and our freedom. "

Here, almost everyone will walk on Tuesday. Some even want to invest more, like Luis, volunteer to distribute humanitarian aid.

" When Guaido put the page online to become a volunteer, it was saturated instantly," he reports. Here at the university many of us have signed up to help logistics, both in the field and on social networks . "

But like Luis, most doubt that Nicolas Maduro lets the help pass. They simply hope that eventually, the pressure of the street will push him to leave power.

(Re) read: Venezuela: the opponent Guaido keeps the pressure on Maduro