By RFIPalled on 28-01-2019Modified on 28-01-2019 at 10:59

In Senegal, there are five in the running for the presidential election on February 24: the outgoing, President Macky Sall, Idrissa Seck, Madicke Niang, Issa Sall and Ousmane Sonko. This week, one month before the election, RFI presents one of the candidates for the highest office every day. On Monday, Ousmane Sonko: a rising star in politics with sharp positions, he advocates for example the exit of the CFA franc.

" Churai yu Deum ", " the incense that sends away evil spirits ". Ousmane Sonko recently used this expression to talk about him. Prove that he does not come from the seraglio, that his policy if elected will be different, based on transparency and solidarity. This is the number argument of the cadet of this election.

At 44, Ousmane Sonko, who was born in Thiès and grew up in Casamance, highlights his career. Major of his promotion at ENA, he made his career at the Inspectorate General of Taxes or he created very early in 2005, the first union of this institution. And it is through this organization that he has developed his network and denounced the abuses, the corruption within the current power. To the point of being written off in 2016 for breach of duty of reserve.

Ousmane Sonko quickly rebounded by launching his party and winning his first political victory by becoming a deputy a year later in August 2017. His critics consider him too young, without experience. " I have never met a head of state in practice, " admits the candidate who dreams of a debate with President Macky Sall.

Change for its supporters

The university of the capital has always been a breeding ground for politics. All trends are represented, but in recent months, supporters of Ousmane Sonko are more and more numerous.

For El Hadj Amadou Diop, student, the candidate embodies the change: " We think that Ousmane Sonko will not lead like the others. A small part of Senegalese exploits almost the majority of Senegalese. That's what Osman Sonko advocates to change .

Changing the system, the mode of governance, giving notably less power to the president, this is one of the axes of campaign of Ousmane Sonko: " There is only one institution in reality, it is the presidential institution. You can never build a democracy on this basis, because you no longer have justice, legislative power, public policies are not subject to control. And that's one of the big problems in our system . "

Transparency and solidarity are at the heart of the pact that Ousmane Sonko proposes to voters. If he has made a name quickly, the verdict of the polls will decide the continuation of his political career.

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