Hesse chooses - and the decision is also important for GroKo. Is it enough for a black-green alliance again in Wiesbaden? And is the SPD reversing the trend? All developments in the news blog. 10/28/18 4:19 PM Hesse's Prime Minister Volker Bouffier has given his vote in the state election on Sunday afternoon at a polling station in Gießen. As the target of the CDU he called a result of 30 percent plus x. Like the other competitors, the 66-year-old has campaigned until the very end - but the highlight was already in summer - with a ride on the "Gickelbahn" in the Taunus-Park Wunderland. 10/28/18 4:08 PM Of course, voter turnout will not be known until after 6 pm, but by now it is expected to have a similar turnout as five years ago. In 2013, it was 73.2 percent. Our photo gallery shows where and when the top candidates threw their notes in the urn. 10/28/18 3:52 PM It is expected with a narrow election outcome. Whether the governing since 2013 coalition under Prime Minister Volker Bouffier (CDU) can continue their work is uncertain. In the polls before the election, harsh losses for CDU and SPD emerged. The Greens around Tarek al-Wazir, on the other hand, significantly increased their voter turnout. You can read all the backgrounds here: 10/28/18 3:51 PM During the election, there was an embarrassing glitch: The Federal Government's coordinator for transatlantic cooperation, Peter Beyer, had already published exit polls with first numbers on his Facebook page , He deleted the entry in the meantime. 10/28/18 3:50 PM 4.4 million Hessians vote today for a new state parliament. Voter turnout has been sluggish so far. By the afternoon, participation in the polls was less than five years ago. Show more Tickeroo Liveblog Software