What will "Act 10" look like in "yellow vests"? While the executive is counting on the "great national debate" to get out of the grueling sequence started on November 17, the opposition movement to Emmanuel Macron does not disarm. New rallies are planned Saturday throughout France, a week after a rebound in mobilization during the "act 9".

On Saturday, January 12th, the 9th consecutive Saturday of mobilization was marked by a renewed participation, while the movement knew a clear breathlessness for several weeks. More than 80,000 people had demonstrated in the country, against 50,000 the previous week.

What gatherings are planned?

In Paris, the main event should start from the Esplanade des Invalides, around 11 am, at the call of one of the main media figures of Eric Drouet movement, and with an ambition: "The million in Paris" . More than 2,000 people have registered on the Facebook page of the event while 13,000 are "interested".

EDITO: With the "big national debate", "act 10 of 'yellow vests' is not legitimate

The procession also provides a passage Place Coluche, to pay tribute to the comedian, which claims a part of the "yellow vests", but also in the 13th arrondissement, Eric Drouet calling latecomers to go to Place d'Italie.

In regions, rallies are announced Saturday afternoon in Bordeaux, Lyon, Saint-Etienne, Roanne, Valence, Clermont-Ferrand, Montelimar, Dijon, Nevers, Montceau-les-Mines, Toulon, Avignon or Beziers.

In Marseille, where 3,000 people had gathered last week, the rendezvous is given on the Old Port. In Toulouse, more than 1,000 people are listed on the page "Toulouse angry", and more than 4,000 are interested. The gathering of the "Pink City" could notably be joined by Maxime Nicolle, another media figure of the movement.

What security device?

The government has announced that it will put "a lot of police on the street" again this weekend. According to information from Europe 1, 110 companies of CRS and mobile squadrons is close to 9,000 policemen and gendarmes specialists of the maintenance of the order will be mobilized. If the armored vehicles of the gendarmerie will not be out, half a dozen water cannons will be available in Paris as in several major cities.

A Saturday under the sign of "victims"

While the accusations of police violence during the demonstrations are increasing, and the debate is taking place around the use of the "launchers of defense bullets" (LBD) by the police, the Paris gathering of Invalides calls participants to bring a flower or a candle in homage "to those killed or injured" for (their) cause "since the beginning of the movement.A minute of silence is also planned at the arrival point of the procession, to" close the day thinking of those who sacrificed themselves and lost their lives for our cause, "say the organizers.

TESTIMONIAL - Patrice, wounded by a shot from LBD: "I lose my eye and my job"

On Friday, Interior Minister Christophe Castaner said he was "stunned" by accusations of police violence. "You put what instead in the hands of the police," he retorted on Europe 1, questioned on a potential suspension of the use of "LBD".