About 1,200 protesters, according to the police, parade in a certain tension since early afternoon Saturday, in the center of Nantes, regularly subjected to salvoes of tear gas canisters of the police, found journalists of the AFP.

LIVE - "Yellow Vests, Act 5": mobilization down, 33,500 demonstrators in France

Some trade union flags. With no pre-established route, the procession, where trade union flags are visible but mostly composed of "yellow vests", progressed in the pouring rain of the Place du Commerce, in the center, towards the prefecture.

The movement comes and goes in Nantes between the prefecture and trade, according to the shots of tear gas pic.twitter.com/5sHUwvIPed

- FranceBleuLoireOcéan (@bleuloireocean) December 15, 2018

Repulsed by the police on their arrival at the prefecture, the protesters then took the opposite path without knowing exactly the direction they intend to borrow. If several demonstrators seemed to want to fight with the police, others, rather tailgate procession, parade very peacefully.