France's insubordinate leader, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, said Thursday he was "painfully surprised" that, according to him, "some of LREM use" the Strasbourg attack "to weigh" on the "yellow vests" and call them not to demonstrate Saturday for security reasons.

"Nicole Belloubet is completely out of her role". In particular, it targeted Nicole Belloubet, the Minister of Justice who, on Wednesday, felt that in view of the "dramatic event" in Strasbourg and the "answers given by the President of the Republic" to the claims of "yellow vests" , "the movement (was) to cease".

DIRECT - Attack in Strasbourg: Police operation completed in Neudorf district

"Nicole Belloubet is completely out of her role," said Jean-Luc Mélenchon in a video posted on social networks, asking: "What is the relationship between the Strasbourg killer and the movement of 'yellow vests'? to give in to an assassin by modifying all our life, it is he who has won ".

For Mélenchon, it's up to the "yellow vests" to decide. "I am painfully surprised to see that some at LREM immediately use the abominable event in Strasbourg to influence the movement," he added, while it is the "yellow vests" "who will decide" of possible Saturday demonstrations.

READ ALSO - "Yellow Vests": after the attack in Strasbourg, Saturday's mobilization will it take place?

"I do not have any role or power in this movement and do not wish to have any," he says, adding that "for his part" he "refuses to enter the game that wants that in the name of the event in Strasbourg, we ask the 'yellow vests' to give up anything ".

Jean-Luc Mélenchon said Saturday that he wanted not "recover" but "be recovered" by the movement.