An online petition to demand the implementation of a citizens' initiative referendum (RIC), the flagship claim of the "yellow vests", was launched by one of the figures of the movement in the Paris region, Priscillia Ludosky. Posted on Monday, the petition dubbed "A referendum for the RIC, the reduction of essential taxes and salaries of elected" gathered more than 22,000 signatures late Wednesday afternoon.

Founding Act of "yellow vests". A first petition "for a drop in fuel prices at the pump", launched in the autumn by Priscillia Ludosky, had exceeded one million signatories at the end of November and had emerged as one of the founding acts of the mobilization of "yellow vests which has been shaking up the government since November 17. This text became the second most signed petition since the opening of the platform in France in 2012, behind the one launched against the Labor law in 2016 by Caroline de Haas (1.3 million signatories).

Three claims. In this new petition, Priscillia Ludosky calls for the organization of a referendum on three proposals: the establishment of the RIC, "a serious reduction of all taxes on basic necessities (energy, housing, transport, food products, clothing) ", as well as" a significant reduction in all current and future pensions, benefits, privileges and pensions of elected officials and senior civil servants ".