He is speaking for the first time since the beginning of the conflict. Jean-Marie Le Pen positively judges the movement of "yellow vests", he who began his political career on a popular revolt in the late 1950s. "I find it nice," he told Europe 1 , who was able to meet the founder of the National Front (now the National Rally) at his home in Rueil-Malmaison in the Paris suburbs.

The "yellow vests", a form of Poujadism. Do not tell him about his recent health problems. Installed at his office, Jean-Marie Le Pen prefers to show piles of files, evoke Volume Two of his memoirs almost completed, and especially dissert on the "yellow vests", which he looks very closely. "This movement sui generis [which is original, ed ] is born of an opportunity which is the obligation that one has to have a yellow vest in his car," recalls the Menhir.

Above all, this former Poujadist deputy, elected in 1956, sees similarities between the movement of defense of artisans and traders launched by Pierre Poujade, and the current grumbling. And in particular a common origin, namely "the social decadence of the middle classes, for the benefit of structures perhaps more modern but less human". However, Jean-Marie Le Pen "does not believe that it is a lasting phenomenon".

>> From 17h to 20h, it's the big evening newspaper with Matthieu Belliard on Europe 1.

"Detestation" against the head of state. On the other hand, he considers Emmanuel Macron's "decrepitude" to be more durable, according to his formula, while wondering at the level of unpopularity of the Head of State. "He has been hated that his actions do not justify," he points out. "He never shot the French like others ..."

Towards a new application The president of the Republic being offside, only one person knew how to define the crisis according to the patriarch ... his own daughter. "Marine Le Pen had an attitude of reserve, dignity that earned him the esteem of French voters," he says. A way also to coax the president of National Rally, because at 90, Jean-Marie Le Pen does not hide his electoral ambitions: he intends to figure prominently on the list of the RN for the next European elections.