National Assembly MEP Nicolas Bay said Sunday that he "did not believe" at the end of the mobilization of "yellow vests" and considered the credibility of the possibility of a list of this movement in the European elections.

"Maybe after the holidays". Asked if the mobilization in net retreat of the "yellow vests" Saturday marked the end of the movement, Nicolas Bay, member of the executive board of the RN, answered "no I do not think", in the issue Questions politiques de FranceInfo / France Inter / bbc. "The fact that after five consecutive weeks there are a few less people in the streets, it does not mean that the French do not remain concerned and mobilized (or) that the 'yellow vests' will not resume their mobilization maybe after the holidays, "said the MEP.

"Exactly the political offer we represent". President Emmanuel Macron "has unleashed a little ballast on the purchasing power without settling anything on the bottom" but "did not respond at all" to "the democratic divide that is extremely deep," added Nicolas Bay, in recalling that the RN had supported for 30 years the idea of ​​a referendum of popular initiative - become a claim of "yellow vests" - from 500,000 signatures. The head of the RN also said that if "yellow vests" wanted to "get involved in politics with us", he would see "that a good eye". "This mobilization (...) corresponds exactly to the political offer we represent," he added.

"A rather heterogeneous movement". He considered the credibility of a "yellow vests" list at the May European elections to be unconvincing. "It's a rather heterogeneous movement, with demands that go in different directions, so I'm not sure he can make a political offer in the electoral sense." Such a list "is not a danger" for the RN, according to him. "Everything that can contribute to the success of our ideas seems relevant to me, after that it is true that electoral action requires a minimum of unity".