The cartoonist Alex complained after receiving a death threat following the publication in Friday Courrier Picard of a caricature of Eric Drouet, one of the media figures of the movement of "yellow vests", has he announced on Twitter.

A fervent defender of Eric Drouet, freedom of expression and democracy expresses himself with the intelligence of a terrorist on a drawing. Given the circumstances and the background, I file a complaint. And this will be the case with every threat of this kind. Enough people!

- Alex draftsman (@Alexdessinateur) January 4, 2019

A drawing mocking the "fascination" of Mélenchon for Drouet. He had published in the regional daily a drawing showing Éric Drouet as a yellow bird hunted by glue in the face of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who rubs his hands while declaring: "A yellow Drouet bearded conspiracy with the brains of a sparrow who sticks to my ideas ... Fascinating! " An allusion both to the rejection by the Council of State of a request for prohibition of glue hunting and the "fascination" expressed for the head of the "yellow vests" by the leader of La France unsubdued.

# drawing @ CourrierPicard and @UnionArdennais of 04.01.2019: the #chassealaglu inspires #Drouet and #Melenchon!

- Alex draftsman (@Alexdessinateur) January 4, 2019

After putting his picture on his Twitter account, Alex received a message from someone threatening to be "executed on the spot". "A fervent supporter of Éric Drouet, freedom of expression and democracy expresses himself with the intelligence of a terrorist on a drawing.In the circumstances and background, I file a complaint.And it will be the case to every threat of this kind, enough stupid people! "responded Alex on his Twitter account.

The support of Riss. "We can say anything we want about my drawings, we can love, not like ... but I decided to no longer accept the death threats," says the designer to France Bleu Picardie.

The cartoonist received Monday the support of Riss, managing editor of Charlie Hebdo, who, four years to the day after the deadly attack on Charlie, said on Franceinfo: "He is right to file a complaint" because "since four years, people are dying to death threats "and they" must know that there are criminal consequences ".