Thousands of people demonstrated in Istanbul against the rising cost of living and high inflation in Turkey. It's the second demonstration in less than a week. Previously, there was a protest march in the Turkish city of Diyarbakir.

Since August, the Turkish economy is in crisis. Inflation reached a 15-year high of 25.24 percent in October. In November, the value improved to 21.62 percent, but everyday goods are still expensive in Turkey. "Work, bread, freedom," shouted the demonstrators and demanded an urgent price cut.

The initiator of the demo was the Confederation of Trade Unions (KESK), which unites public service unions. A massive police force accompanied the movement, for the Turks arrived, inter alia, from the northwestern provinces of Edirne, Bursa and Yalova.

Silent protest against Erdogan

At the demo, there was also silent protest against the head of government Recep Tayyip Erdogan. "June" was featured on some of the posters that some of the protesters alluded to during the mass protests against Erdogan in 2013.

In addition, during the demo there were numerous allusions to the movement of the "Yellow West" in France, which had formed in protest against high fuel prices.

Almost a week ago, KESK had called for a demonstration against the high cost of living in the southeastern Turkish city of Diyarbakir with several thousand participants. Background of the crisis is the dramatic decline of the Turkish lira. The currency has lost more than 40 percent of its value in relation to the euro within one year.