Olga Bashkirova, a physical education teacher at the school No. 22 in Khimki, allowed pupils of class 1 “G” to beat their classmate. During the gym class, the boy slipped and fell. Instead of asking whether everything is alright with the child, the teacher, as she later explained, “made a bad joke.”

“Today is our cannibal day. Who wants human meat? You can cut off his leg! ”- quotes the media Bashkirov.

After these words, several students began to beat the boy. The incident occurred on January 24th. At a local emergency room, Vanya was diagnosed with a concussion, he was hospitalized in Moscow at the Municipal Children's Hospital. ZA Bashlyaeva, where he spent four days.

The same day the parents of the boy went to the school to find out the circumstances of the incident. In a conversation with them, Bashkirova stated that she wanted to establish discipline, but "unsuccessfully joked."

Initially, the leadership of the school planned to remove the teacher from working with the class, but the incident caused a wide public response. The ombudsman for children’s rights in the Moscow region Ksenia Mishonova and the head of Khimki Dmitry Voloshin immediately arrived at the school.

“I managed to communicate with everyone - with the boy, his parents, teachers, the principal,” said RT Mishonova. - The class was non-conflict, with the child there were no problems. He is a very kind, agreeable boy who reads poetry well. There were no conflicts between the children. Vanya told me that he went to school with pleasure. ”

According to Mishonova, the teacher repeated the same phrase once again, which she told the students, and then explained that it simply “broke out”.

“I do not believe in the story of“ burst out, ”explains the Ombudsman. - A short indecent word can break out. But when a teacher formulates a phrase about “cannibalism” in the brain and repeats it, then this is definitely not “burst out”. I want to ask, what books does she read at night? What is in her head? How does she live? She does not explain, believes that it is a joke and a sense of humor allows her to joke like that. But the teacher has no right to provoke children to violence. ”

As RT found out, Olga Bashkirova’s total work experience is 13 years. In school number 22, she works for a long time, but for the first time she was assigned to teach classes in the first grade. All this time she taught high school physical education, including classes on the topic “Children's Day”.

On January 29, it became known that Bashkirova resigned from the school, writing a statement of her own accord.

As RT Mishonova told, after the incident, the teacher did not even call the boy’s parents and did not apologize.

“Bashkirov does not feel remorse. I think she neglected the trust of the children. The kids did it because she allowed it. This is not even schoolchildren, they have not ended the transition period, they came out of kindergarten six months ago. And in this situation it is important for parents to understand that no one blames the children. We blame first of all the teacher and the system that overlooked it in it, ”explains the expert.

"Leaving school would be wrong."

Meanwhile, on January 30, the Investigation Committee of the Moscow Region began to verify information about the beating of a first grader on the initiative of a teacher.

“At present, the investigators have planned a set of necessary verification measures aimed at establishing all the circumstances of the incident. According to the results of the audit, a procedural decision will be made, ”the website of the regional administration of the TFR notes.

Earlier in the duty of the Shodnensky OMVD received a message from the hospital about the child brought to the medical institution with injuries. Vanya's mother also applied to the police with a statement about the beating. Police are checking.

According to media reports, the director of school No. 22, Natalya Danilyuk, apologized to the students of the 1st G class and their parents. The Plenipotentiary for Children's Rights in the Moscow Region is in contact with the parents.

It is known that the boy has already found a psychologist and is now deciding whether he will return to school or go to home schooling. Teachers and experts are confident that at the moment it is necessary to conduct a mediation procedure so that the child returns to study in his class.

“It would be wrong to leave this school. It means recognizing that the school is bad or the children are bad, but this is not true. We would like Vanya to survive this stress, and this would be a graft of kindness for everyone. Everybody wants the boy to come back and school life continues in the usual way, ”says the ombudsman.

In turn, the head of Khimki Dmitry Voloshin promised to provide all necessary assistance to the family of the injured boy. As RT Mishonova told, he is ready to lead Vanya into the class and to conduct a kindness lesson with the students.