Despite the fact that until the new US presidential election there are still almost two years, there are already a number of politicians in the camp of the Democratic Party who are ready to challenge Donald Trump in the upcoming vote. Former Vice President Joe Biden believes that he is worthy of becoming a candidate from the Democrats, the newspaper The New York Times.

According to the comrades of Biden, he may declare his intention to nominate his candidacy in the near future, since he is confident that the rest of the Democratic politicians will not cope with the task.

“He has the most chances to defeat Trump, there is no doubt about it. On a scale of 1 to 10, it can be rated at 12, ”the newspaper quoted the words of Biden’s longtime associate, Senator Tom Carper from Delaware.

According to a survey conducted by CNN in mid-December, 30% of the activists of the donkeys party are ready to support the candidacy of the former vice-president.

At the same time, the functionaries of the Democratic Party told the New York Times that the former vice-president should be announced as soon as possible, otherwise he risks losing the support of major sponsors.

In the past, Biden has already been criticized for having overly delayed his decision not to take part in the democratic primaries in 2015, which deceived the expectations of his supporters, and also had a negative effect on the Hillary Clinton campaign.

However, some democratic activists and politicians believe that Joe Biden is not able to respond to the challenges of the time.

"In 2020, Biden-style centrism will become a toxic kind of policy, and with this the primaries of the Democratic Party cannot be won," the democrat publicist Walid Shaheed quotes the NYT.

The Trump administration’s radical policy requires a mirror response from the Democrats, according to young Democratic Party members. From their point of view, Biden is a centrist politician.

“Now there is a situation when there is a pugnacious racist and just an unbalanced person in the White House. Such a challenge will not be accepted by a candidate who will simply talk about reconciliation, ”said Congressman Pramila Jayapal, who spoke for the 2016 primaries of Bernie Sanders, a left-leaning democrat, in an interview with New York Times.

Despite the discrepancy regarding Trump’s candidacy between representatives of the democratic establishment and younger left-wing politicians, the current US president has repeatedly stated that an adversary like Joe Biden is right for him.

“I dream, I dream of Biden, this is a dream. Just note: Joe Biden ran for three times, but he never gained more than 1% support. President Obama got him literally from the garbage heap and gave him the post, and then it shocked everyone, ”Trump said in an interview with CBS News in 2018.

Biden put forward his candidacy in the three Democratic presidential campaigns in 1984, 1988 and 2008. All the primaries during these election cycles, he lost.

"Pocahontas" on the trail of elections

While Joe Biden is going with thoughts, his plans to enter the election race have already been announced by Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren, Donald Trump’s consistent political opponent. Warren is very popular among young voters who form a request for social democratic and left-wing ideas.

  • Elizabeth Warren holds meeting with voters in Iowa
  • Reuters
  • © Brian Snyder

Like former Vice President Biden, the senator has been the subject of sharp criticism from Trump. So, he publicly recalled Warren some dubious details of her biography: when she was a law teacher at Harvard, she enrolled herself in ethnic minorities, for which she received various privileges. An uncovered forgery subsequently cost her a seat in the upper house of parliament in 2012. For these machinations, Trump dubbed her "Pocahontas."

On the last day of last year, Elizabeth Warren announced that she plans to nominate a Democratic candidate for the presidential election in 2020. A few days later she began her presidential campaign, registering as a candidate in Iowa, where she was met by numerous like-minded people.

“I need a very strong Democrat who will challenge Trump in the presidential race. I want this nightmare to end. We have gone off the right path as a country, and we have to go back, ”the Politico publication cites the words of one of the supporters of Warren, who attended the rally in Iowa.

Analysts say that, starting her campaign in Iowa, Warren chose an action plan that was directly opposite to the Hillary Clinton campaign in 2016, which ignored many of the rural and industrial districts of the so-called Midwest.

“Usually democratic campaigns start in larger regions, where they are already used to voting for the party. But the first steps of Warren suggest that she is well aware that to win in 2020, Democrats need to show good results in rural states and regions across the country. In Wisconsin, central Pennsylvania, Michigan and so on. These are depressive regions that breed Trump's supporters, and she believes that she can also succeed there in the wake of populism, ”political analyst David Yepsen said in an interview with Politico.

“Not the most successful candidate”

However, as political scientist Alexander Asafov emphasized in an interview with RT, left-wing and Social Democratic sentiments that Elizabeth Warren embodies are now subject only to the most active core of the party, so the Democratic leadership will not listen to his opinion too much.

“The average American is not going anywhere, he is happy about the changes under Trump, judging by his rating, and by voting for him, he realized his hatred of Obama as the spokesman for left-wing ideas ... America is not ready for another Obama,” Asafov said conversation with RT.

He believes that, despite the successes in the congress of young left-wing politicians, the future president should meet the request of the democratic establishment.

A similar point of view is shared by the expert of the International Institute for Humanitarian and Political Studies, Vladimir Bruter. According to him, in the fight against Trump, there will be a chance only for a candidate who will be supported by both the party elite and the left-oriented majority of voters.

“Biden is the strongest candidate for resource provision, but he will not have the support of young people and the part of the electorate who wants to see the Social Democrats in the first roles. If the establishment agrees with the left wing in the face of conditional Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, and they will agitate for Biden in front of their voters, then he has a chance. The candidate must be shared, ”said Bruter in an interview with RT.

However, as the expert notes, Joe Biden is not the most successful candidate, even with his impressive party and financial resources.

“He has already proved himself as a vice president in the Obama administration. For eight years of his work, the Americans did not understand where he was going to lead the country. This is the “Obama 2.0” candidate, and those years that he was in power are considered stagnant by many, ”the political scientist noted.

Alexander Asafov also believes that if Biden enters the race with Trump, the current president will win.

“He has a chance if he associates himself with the old popular democrats in the spirit of Jimmy Carter,” said the political analyst in an interview with RT.

Democrats need an “anti-Trump” to win, says Asafov. According to him, such a person should be a media one and communicate directly with the mass electorate.

“Voters do not want to deal with left-wing requests for depriving anyone of privileges, intersectional suppression, and so on. It must comply with the general request. In August, there was talk that such a candidate could be the TV presenter Oprah Winfrey. Of course, she laughed at this proposal, but the Democrats need to think in this particular direction, ”the expert concluded.