Ukrainian President Pyotr Poroshenko said that Kiev is a priority for NATO and the United States. According to the head of state, this is confirmed by the agreements concluded between the alliance and Ukraine.

"Based on my meeting with Trump, which took place on the eve of the Ukraine-NATO summit, based on the documents of the summit, which includes, among others, the signature of US President Donald Trump, Ukraine was and remains among the first priorities of both NATO and the United States," - he said on the air of the ICTV channel.

Also, according to the Ukrainian leader, at the meeting of Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump in Helsinki the topic of Kiev was raised. Moreover, the leader of the United States, according to Poroshenko, his position on Ukraine has not changed.

"According to the press conference (Trump and Putin - RT ), that there was no Ukraine there, - Ukraine was definitely there. It's very good that President Trump did not hand over a single position in Ukraine, "said the head of the Ukrainian state.

The summit of the leaders of Russia and the United States was held on Monday, July 16 in the Finnish capital in Helsinki. Personal meeting between Putin and Trump lasted more than two hours. Following the meeting, the heads of state held a press conference.

In the final statements of the presidents about Ukraine, almost nothing was said: only Putin spoke about it directly, noting the need for Washington's pressure on Kiev to implement the Minsk agreements. Trump, however, only indirectly mentioned Ukraine, the code expressed its position on the "Nord Stream - 2". However, on the eve of the summit in Helsinki, the head of the European Council, Donald Tusk, in an interview with the Ukrainian TV channel TVN24, told about Trump's attitude towards Kiev. According to him, the head of the United States "is less and less enthusiastic" about Ukraine.

"The Tale of Cinderella"

Such statements Poroshenko seeks to raise his rating before the elections, said Bogdan Bezpalko, member of the Council on Interethnic Relations under the Russian President. In an interview with RT, he urged to be cautious about such words of the Ukrainian president.

"We need to be cautious about Poroshenko's statements, especially in the pre-election period, when he tries to earn points before his voters. Ukraine is not a priority for the United States of America. This could be one of the points of discussion between Putin and Trump, but I doubt that the president of the US himself told Poroshenko something. Trump with his usual activity for a long time would have written about it on Twitter or publicly made, "the expert believes.

Bezpalko recalled Poroshenko's recent speech before an empty hall at the NATO summit. According to the expert, "it is strange that the conference", where the Ukrainian president was ignored by the press, is for him the basis for declaring Kyiv's priority position for NATO and the United States.

"If the Americans viewed Poroshenko as an important foreign policy counterpart, everything would be different. Even the Ukrainian journalists laugh at the empty hall. Poroshenko just gives out wishful thinking, "the expert concluded.

Ukrainian political scientist and economist Alexander Dudchak in an interview with RT, and did compare in words Poroshenko with the plot of a fairy tale.

"It's very similar to the episode of the fairy tale about Cinderella - the one about the marks of attention from the prince. Political rhetoric must be taken adequately. When leaders of different countries meet, they give each other various protocol courtesies. Even hostile states in official correspondence use the phrase "We express our deep respect ..." and the like. In this case, Poroshenko exaggerates, "he said.

According to the expert, Donald Trump's attitude towards Ukraine is "clear to all". She is not on the list of priorities for the owner of the White House and even "gives him a headache and a lot of problems."

"The true attitude is evident from those minute meetings (as they say, not free from Ukraine), which were organized with Trump. When controlling the information space, it is sometimes possible to issue such things, because there is nothing to talk about anymore. This is nothing more than another rhetoric, designed for the domestic consumer of the information product, "concluded Dudchak.

Comic confrontation

In recent days, the Ukrainian president has been actively emphasizing the close interaction between Ukraine and the United States, as well as other NATO member countries. Speaking in Odessa before the participants of the international naval exercises Sea Breeze-2018, he stated the need to strengthen cooperation with the countries of the North Atlantic alliance to fight against Russia, allegedly preparing an "attack" on Mariupol. Poroshenko also called Ukraine the defender of Europe "on the eastern flank of NATO."

"This is not only the protection of Ukrainian territory. We are on the eastern flank of NATO. We jointly defend Europe, "he said.

At the same time, the president's position in the country is very unstable. Before the main elections in Ukraine there are less than a year, and at the moment, according to the results of the study of Ukrainian sociological agencies, only 5 to 7,8% of the population are ready to vote for it. This figure is significantly lower than that of other politicians, and even less than the rating of Ukrainian comedian Vladimir Zelensky, for which 9.3% of voters can vote.