
Former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi (76) recently criticized the Abe administration's energy policy on the Asahi newspaper's interview that "Prime Minister Abe (Shinzo)" zero nuclear power plant "is impossible, I could overlook what I could do" . Furthermore, in the upper house election next summer, I expressed my expectation for opposition fighting so that "zero nuclear power plant" will be a point of dispute. It is an exceptional argument as an LDP 's prime minister.

Junichiro Koizumi, former Prime Minister of Japan, speaking of his thoughts on zero nuclear power

Since the press conference in 2013 that clarified its position, Mr. Koizumi repeatedly requested the Abe administration to change the policy to "zero nuclear power." In an interview about this in an interview, "When I met Prime Minister Abe, I told the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry many times, but it was only a bitter smile, I do not notice it even after five years, not a waste, I took a sense of disappointment for Mr. Abe.

In April 2005, Mr. Koizumi himself was an advisor to the nationwide association organization "Zero Nuclear Power Plant Nuclear Energy Promotion Federation" (Abbreviation: Hara Motobu), which was founded to zero nuclear power plants. In each lecture, "zero nuclear power plant is possible It is appealing that. On 15th this month, he is urging opposition parties to give lectures at a political institution sponsored by Ichiro Ozawa, the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party, who had been in political relations for many years.

Replying to the interview Junichiro Koizumi former Prime Minister = Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Kashiyoshi Shoot

In response to the movement of Prime Minister, the opposition parties including the Constitutional Millennium Democratic Party and the Liberals Party submitted to the National Assembly a "basic zero nuclear bill" in March, but were not discussed by the LDP and others. In connection with this point, Mr. Koizumi said in the upper house election next summer, "Opposition parties will cooperate with the one-person district to give a unification candidate, and there is a possibility of winning if" nuclear power zero "is a point of issue" .

In addition, Mr. Koizumi showed his continued expectation to continue the policy change to the LDP's "zero nuclear power," because the Liberal Democratic Party has been in charge of the administration, since he respected the majority opinion.

Former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi expressed his sense of expectation for an opposition party fight with "nuclear power zero" as a point of issue, Tokyo Metropolitan Government,

Mr. Koizumi says that the nuclear power plant share in the power supply composition in fiscal year 30 was set to "20 to 22%" in the fifth energy basic plan that the Abe administration decided at the Cabinet in early July " I do not do it, I can not do it, I refuse to criticize that nuclear waste will increase again if I do not find a repository yet, I'm indignant. "

On the other hand, Mr. Koizumi said about zero feasibility of "nuclear power plant", "When I said" zero ", it was told immediately that zero was impossible, but Japan had two years from September 13 to September 15 It was completely zero. " He said that Germany and Spain have more than 30% of renewable energy such as solar power generation and wind power generation, "we must face such reality." (Atsushi Komori, Shinichi Sekine)