
The government, the ruling party, and the presidential office discussed the measures to prevent the recurrence of the holiday yesterday (Feb. 21) to take root at the private kindergarten corruption. We decided to change the law to disclose not only the name of the kindergarten and the corruption but also the names of the directors.

Reporter Nam Jung-min reports.


The government, the ruling party, and the presidential office have gathered together to discuss measures to prevent the private kindergarten corruption that has recently become a social issue.

In a closed meeting for more than two hours, the Tangjeong government agreed that the private kindergarten audit standards for each of the provincial offices of education were a problem, and decided to require them to audit according to the unified standards of the government.

If an audit reveals any irregularities, the law will be revised so that the names of the kindergartens, disposition contents, and results as well as the names of the directors are disclosed.

Grants for private kindergartens will also be reimbursed for subsidies and can be repaid or punished if found illegally.

[Park Yong-jin / National Assembly Education Committee (Democratic Party): We have been doing this because we have not done what the Ministry of Education and Daejeon Office has done so far, and we can not help but see that if these people can not play this role in the future .]

The government and the Democratic Party are expected to announce the measures to prevent the recurrence of private kindergartens on the 25th after a high - level meeting.